Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
What is electricity?
Electricity is a sort of energy which can be experienced in its applications like bulb, heater, motor, radio set etc.
What is electric shock?
When a flow of electric current is set up through the body of a person, he feels an electric shock.
How one can protect himself against electric shock?
One can protect himself against electric shock by using a good insulating substance under his feet and rubber gloves on his hands.
How will you release a person who has come in contact of a live line ?
The person in contact of a live-line can be released either by putting the main-switch to OFF or by pulling the victim while keeping ourself isolated from the earth contact.
What are the principal safety precautions ?
(i) Don’t touch a live-line or electrical equipment with bare hands.
(i) Before switching a main-switch to ON, check firmly that no one is working on the line.
(iii, Use rubber matting or gloves while doing electrical jobs.
What is the simplest method of artificial respiration ?
Mouth to mouth air pumping method is the simplest one.
What precaution should be observed while replacing a fuse?
Main-switch should be switched to OFF.
What precaution should be observed while changing the place of an electrical equipment ?
Before changing the place of an electrical equipment pull out its plug-top from the supply socket.
What precaution should be observed while working on A ladder?
ladder should firmly be held by a helper
What is a fire extinguisher ?
An apparatus used in fire-fighting is called a fire extinguisher. It produces a gas, liquid or foam which covers the fire and extinguished the fire by cutting its oxygen supply.
Which type of fire-extinguisher is used in extinguishing the fire of electrical cables, equipments etc. ?
C.T.C. (Carbon Tetra Chloride) type fire extinguisher is used for the purpose.
Can the fire of electrical cables, equipments ete, be extinguished by praying water over it ?
What precaution should be observed before putting a main switch to ON?
Ensure that no one is working on the line controlled by the switch.
What are the principal hand tools?
Principal hand tools are-screw driver, combination plier, knife, pocker, hand drill machine, tenon-saw, hammer, Bat file, round chisel, etc.
How are the files classified ?
Ans.Files are classified in four ways:
(i) As per length – 100 mm to 300 mm
(i) As per shape – flat, round, half-round, triangular, square, edge, needle.
(ii) As per cut -single cut, double cut, rasp cut, spiral cut (iv) As per grade – rough, bastard, second cut, smooth, dead smooth
How will you replace the blade of a hack-saw ?
The blade is replaced by losing the wing nut. Remember those s teeth of the blade should cut the metal in the forward direction.
What is meant by the length of a screw-driver?
The length of the bit of a screw-driver is called its length.
What is the normal size of a hand drill machine ?
The size of a hand drill machine depends on its bit-holding capacity Generally, 12.5 mm or half inch capacity hand drill machine used.
What is meant by S.W.G.?
Standard Wire Gauge.
How will you measure the diameter of a wire?
Dia. of a wire is measured by a wire-gauge. It measures the dia mm or SWG.
What is the main point in the care of hand tools?
Always use proper tool for coach job and keep your tools in perfect working order.
What is the range of a wire gauge ?
O to 36 SWG.
What is a micrometer?
An instrument used to measure the external diameter of wire correctly upto one-thousandth part of a cm is called a micrometer.
What type of chisel is used for electrical purposes?
Generally, a cold chisel is used for electrical purposes.
What is a phase-tester?
A screw-driver shaped neon lamp tester is called a phase tester.
What for a blow lamp is used ?
A blow lamp is used for melting solder etc.
What types of pliers are used in electrical work?
The pliers used in electrical work are-Insulated combination pliers nose plier, cutting plier, insulation striper plier, gas plier etc.
What is a vice?
vice is a job holding tool
A What is a connector ?
A connector is a small screwdriver of 2 to 4 inch bit length.
What is the wattage of an electric soldering iron?
Generally, 125, 200, or 250 watts soldering iron is used for electric purposes.
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