[Answer Key] Pump Operator Universities in Kerala Exam Answer Key|019/2023 Question paper with Answer Key|557/2021 Solved Question paper

Answer Key Pump Operator Universities in Kerala

In this post, we have included the provisional Answer Key of Pump Operator Universities in Kerala Exam. The OMR test was on 02.03.2023, Thursday. Candidates can check the marks they got, and if finding any mistakes in Answer key, you can file the answer key complaint in Kerala PSC profile within 5 days.

  • QUESTION CODE: 019/2023
  • Cat. No: 557/2021
  • Name of Post: Pump Operator
  • Department: Universities in Kerala
  • DATE OF TEST: 02.03.2023
  • DATE OF UPLOAD: 03.03.2023

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Question Paper Pump Operator Universities in Kerala

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Answer Key Pump Operator Universities in Kerala

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  1. How to exhibit the mandatory signs ?
    A) White symbol on blue background
    B) yellow background with black border and symbol
    C) White symbols on green background
    d) Black symbol on white background
  2. Which one is not suitable for lifting heavy load ?
    A) Sling B) Winch C) Jack d) Crowbar
  3. Sickness is a _ type of hazard.
    A) Biological B) Physical C) Physiological d) Psychological
  4. In โ€˜ABCโ€™ of first aid, โ€˜Aโ€™ stands for
    A) Aim B) Airway C) Ambulance d) Aid
  5. Which among the following is not a drill holding device ?
    A) Chuck B) Sleeve C) Arbor d) Socket
  6. One volume of liquid acetone can dissolve __ volume of acetylene gas under
    normal atmospheric temperature and pressure.
    A) 25 B) 50 C) 10 d) 40
  7. Bifurcated rivet is used
    A) For joining heavy structural works B) Where strong joint is required
    C) Both option A) and B ) d) For fastening tin plates
  8. Bottoming taps contain _ rings on shank and the end of taps are champhered at an angle of ___ degree.
    A) 3 rings and 4 degree B) 1 ring and 20 degree
    C) 3 rings and 20 degree d) 1 ring and 4 degree
  9. Jenny caliper is also known as
    i) Hermaphrodite
    ii) leg and point caliper
    iii) Odd leg caliper
    A) Only i and ii B) All of the above (i, ii and iii)
    C) Only ii and iii d) Only i and iii
  1. Which statement is suitable for smooth file ?
    A) It is used for heavy reduction of metal
    B) Bringing the jobs close to the finish size
    C) Bring the metal to accurate size with high degree of finish
    D) Remove small quantity of metal and give a good finish
  2. In the case of a cold chisel, the angle between the top face of the cutting point, and
    normal to the work surface at the cutting edge is called
    A) Rake angle B) Point angle
    C) Clearance angle d) Angle of inclination
  3. The accuracy of try square is
    A) 0.02 mm per 10 mm length B) 0.2 mm per 10 mm length
    C) 0.0002 mm per 10 mm length d) 0.002 mm per 10 mm length
  4. 9 main scale divisions of a vernier caliper is divided into 10 equal parts in the vernier
    scale, find out 1 VSD of the same. (Consider 1 MSD = 1 mm)
    A) 0.02 mm B) 0.1 mm C) 0.9 mm d) 0.98 mm
  5. The datum line of an outside micrometer is stamped on
    A) Barrel B) Thimble C) Spindle d) Anvil
  6. Which among the following statement is not true ?
    A) Slot of standard wire gauge is used for checking thickness of the sheet
    B) Hole of standard wire gauge is used for checking wire diameter
    C) Slot of standard wire gauge is used for checking wire diameter and thickness
    of sheet
    d) Slot of standard wire gauge is used for checking wire diameter
  7. Types of dial test indicators are
    i) Plunger type dial test indicator
    ii) lever type dial test indicator
    iii) Washer type dial test indicator
    Which among the following is correct ?
    A) Only i and iii B) All of the above (i, ii and iii)
    C) Only ii and iii d) Only i and ii
  1. The forward voltage, at which the current through the PN junction starts increasing
    rapidly is known as
    i) Cut off voltage
    ii) Knee voltage
    iii) Peak reverse voltage
    iv) Cut in voltage
    A) Only i and ii B) Only ii and iv
    C) Only i and iv d) All the above (i, ii, iii and iv)
  2. Which of the following is/are Pentavalent impurities ?
    i) Antimony
    ii) Boron
    iii) Bismuth
    A) Only i and iii B) Only i and ii
    C) Only ii and iii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  3. Which of the following is/are the application of Zener diode ?
    i) Amplifier
    ii) Peak clipper
    iii) Voltage regulator
    iv) Full wave rectifier
    A) Only i and iv B) Only ii and iv C) Only i and iii d) Only ii and iii
  4. Parameters which determine the performance of a JFET is/are
    i) AC drain resistance
    ii) Knee voltage
    iii) Transconductance
    A) Only i and ii B) Only i and iii
    C) Only ii and iii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  5. In a linear resistor
    i) Resistant value is constant
    ii) V and I are directly proportional
    iii) V and I are inversely proportional
    iv) Resistance value not constant
    A) Only i and iii B) Only i and iv C) Only i and ii d) Only iii and iv
  6. According to the Ohmโ€™s law which of the statement is/are correct ?
    i) I = V/R
    ii) V = IR
    iii) I = R/V
    iv) R = VI
    A) Only i and ii B) Only ii and iv C) Only i and iii d) Only iii and iv
  1. Current flowing through an open circuit is
    i) Very high
    ii) High
    iii) No current flow
    iv) Infinity
    A) Only i and ii B) Only iii C) Only ii and iv d) Only iv
  2. Function of yoke is/are
    i) It provides mechanical support for the poles
    ii) It carries the magnetic flux produced by the poles
    iii) It carries electrical supply
    iv) It provides over all protection of machine
    A) Only i and iii B) Only ii and iv C) Only i, ii and iv d) Only iii and iv
  3. Commutator used in a dC generator is/are
    i) to facilitate collection of current from the armature conductor
    ii) to carrying field winding
    iii) convert AC induced in the armature conductors into unidirectional current
    A) Only i and iii B) Only ii and iii
    C) Only i and ii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  4. Self excited DC generators are classified into
    i) Shunt wound
    ii) Series wound
    iii) Compound wound
    A) Only i and ii B) Only ii and iii
    C) Only i and iii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  5. Iron losses in a dC generator is/are
    i) Hysteresis losses
    ii) Windage losses
    iii) Eddy current losses
    iv) All the above (i, ii and iii)
    A) Only i and ii B) Only i and iii C) Only ii and iii d) Only iv
  6. Which of the following starter is/are used to control a dC motor ?
    i) dOl starter
    ii) Star delta starter
    iii) 3-Point starter
    iv) 4-Point starter
    A) Only i and iii B) Only ii and iii C) Only ii and iv d) Only iii and iv
  1. The rotation of dC motor can be reversed by
    i) Reversing both the field current and armature current
    ii) Reversing field current or armature current
    iii) Increasing field current
    A) Only ii B) Only i and ii
    C) Only ii and iii d) All of the above (i, ii and iii)
  2. The working principle of a transformer is based on the
    i) Faradayโ€™s law of electromagnetic induction
    ii) Thumb rule
    iii) Flemingโ€™s right hand rule
    iv) Flemingโ€™s left hand rule
    A) Only ii and iii B) Only i C) Only ii and iv d) Only iii
  3. A current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a torque, this
    principle is related to
    i) Working of a generator
    ii) Working of a motor
    iii) Working of a transformer
    A) Only i and iii B) Only iii
    C) Only ii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  4. Percentage of slip in an induction motor is
    i) ( )Ns N
    โˆ’ ร—100
    ii) ( )N Ns
    โˆ’ ร—100
    iii) ( )N Ns
    โˆ’ ร—100
    A) Only i B) Only ii and iii
    C) Only iii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  5. Which of the following materials have small electrical resistivity ?
    i) Bakelite ii) Aluminum
    iii) Quartz iv) Copper
    A) Only i and iii B) Only iii C) Only ii and iv d) Only i
  1. Which of the following materials come into the group of semiconductors ?
    i) Gold
    ii) Silver
    iii) Copper
    iv) Silicon
    A) Only i and ii B) Only iii C) Only i and iii d) Only iv
  2. For the normal operation of a transistor
    i) Emitter โ€“ Base junction is forward biased and Collector โ€“ Base junction is
    reverse biased
    ii) Emitter โ€“ Base junction is reverse biased and Collector โ€“ Base junction is
    forward biased
    iii) Emitter โ€“ Base junction and Collector โ€“ Base junction are forward biased
    A) Only i B) Only ii and iii C) Only iii d) Only ii
  3. An ideal transformer which has
    i) No losses
    ii) Winding losses
    iii) Copper losses and Core losses
    A) Only ii B) Only i C) Only ii and iii d) Only iii
  4. main advantages of FET over BJT is/are
    i) High input impedance
    ii) less noise level
    iii) low input impedance
    iv) Considerable noise level
    A) Only iii and iv B) Only ii C) Only iii d) Only i and ii
  5. BJT is a
    i) Voltage control device
    ii) Power controlled device
    iii) Current controlled device
    A) Only i and ii B) Only ii
    C) Only iii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  6. most commonly methods used for fabrication of transistor is/are
    i) Point contact
    ii) Alloy junction
    iii) Grown junction
    A) Only i and ii B) Only ii and iii
    C) Only i and iii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  1. Which of the following is/are the terminals of a mOSFET ?
    i) Source, drain, Gate
    ii) Collector, Emitter, Gate
    iii) Source, drain, Base
    iv) Collector, Emitter, Base
    A) Only i B) Only ii and iii C) Only iii d) Only iv
  2. Which of the following is/are come into the thyristor family ?
    i) BJT
    ii) diode
    iii) SCR
    iv) FET
    A) Only i and ii B) Only iii C) Only iv d) Only ii and iv
  3. Which switching device is/are known as double base diode ?
    i) Transistor ii) FET
    iii) SCR iv) UJT
    A) Only i and ii B) Only iii C) Only iv d) Only i and iii
  4. Which of the following is/are an example of primary cell ?
    i) Nickel-Cadmium cell
    ii) dry cell
    iii) lead acid cell
    iv) mercury cell
    A) Only i, ii and iii B) Only ii and iv C) Only i, iii and iv d) Only i and ii
  5. Capacitance of a capacitor depends upon
    i) Area of plate
    ii) distance between the plates
    iii) Types of dielectric
    A) Only i and ii B) Only ii and iii
    C) Only i and iii d) All the above (i, ii and iii)
  6. The colour code for resistor 47 kโ„ฆ 5% tolerance is
    i) Yellow, Violet, Red, Gold
    ii) Yellow, Violet, Orange, Silver
    iii) Yellow, Violet, Orange, Gold
    iv) Yellow, Violet, Red, Silver
    A) Only ii B) Only iv C) Only iii d) Only i
  1. When two capacitors are connected in parallel total capacitance is
    i) decreased
    ii) Equal to the capacitance of one capacitor
    iii) Equal to the sum of the individual capacitor
    iv) Product of two capacitor
    A) Only iii B) Only iv C) Only ii d) Only i
  2. SI unit of viscosity is
    A) Pa/m2 B) N/m2 C) Pa.s d) m/s2
  3. Which part cleans compressed air by trapping solid particles and isolating liquids in
    the compressed air ?
    A) dryer B) Filter C) lubricator d) Regulator
  4. Pascalโ€™s law states that the pressure or intensity of pressure at a point in a static
    fluid is __ in all directions.
    A) Opposite B) Increases C) Equal d) decreases
  5. Which part of double acting cylinder stops air leakage from cylinder to atmosphere ?
    A) Rod end B) Piston seal C) Rod seal d) Piston end
  6. Which valve block flow of liquid in one direction and permit free flow in the other
    direction ?
    A) Non-return valve B) Gate valve C) Globe valve d) 4/2 way valve
  7. Which pump is functioning similar to the external gear pump except that unlike gears
    do not directly make contact with each other ?
    A) Vane pump B) Lobe pump C) Gear pump D) Piston pump
  8. Hydraulic actuator convert the pressure energy of fluid into _ output to perform
    useful work.
    A) Pneumatic B) Electrical C) Electronic d) mechanical
  9. Directional control valve are classified according to the
    A) Direction of flow
    B) Number of ports and position
    C) maximum pressure of valve
    d) direction of pressure
  1. A hydraulic pump converts _ into hydraulic energy.
    A) Thermal energy B) Pneumatic energy
    C) Electronic energy d) mechanical energy
  2. What is the use of directional control valve in hydraulic system ?
    A) Open or close flow path B) Decrease the pressure
    C) Control the valve d) Increase the pressure
  3. What is the working cycle of compression ignition engine ?
    A) Otto cycle B) diesel cycle
    C) Rankine cycle d) Sterling cycle
  4. Which is the reason to decrease the volumetric efficiency of an engine ?
    A) High temperature B) low temperature
    C) Excessive back pressure d) less load
  5. The cross-sectional area of one cylinder of an engine multiplied by its stroke is
    A) Combustion volume B) Clearance volume
    C) Engine capacity d) Swept volume
  6. When does a fresh charge escapes from the petrol engine exhaust ?
    A) during valve overlap B) during valve lead
    C) during valve open d) during valve lag
  7. A โ€˜square engineโ€™ is an engine having
    A) Cylinders of square cross-section
    B) Bore and stroke equal
    C) Combustion chambers of square section
    d) Bore and stroke unequal
  8. Which is used to determine the stroke of an engine ?
    A) Cycle B) Throw
    C) dia of piston d) length of connecting rod
  9. The portion below the piston pin boss is called
    A) Crown of the piston B) Skirt of the piston
    C) land of the piston d) Ring section of the piston
  10. The minor diameter of a camground piston is
    A) along piston pin axis B) at 45 degrees to the piston pin axis
    C) at the piston land d) at 90 degrees to the piston pin axis
  1. A crankshaft is made off
    A) Cast steel B) Forged steel
    C) Forged and heat treated alloy steel d) Cast and heat treated alloy steel
  2. What is ovality of a bore ?
    A) difference in dia measured top to bottom
    B) difference in dia thrust to non thrust side of cylinder
    C) difference in dia measured only at top
    d) difference in dia measured only at bottom
  3. Exhaust valve face angle is generally
    A) 30 degree B) 75 degree
    C) 60 degree d) 45 degree
  4. What type of bearing fitted in the connecting rod big end ?
    A) Needle bearing B) Ball bearing
    C) Taper roller bearing d) Shell bearing
  5. Exhaust valves are opened at a definite degree before BDC in engine valve
    timing. This is called
    A) lead B) lap
    C) Overlap d) Clearance
  6. Scavenging is done for the following purpose
    A) Fuel consumption B) Power output
    C) Speed d) Oil pressure
  7. What is the effect if thermostat valve is stuck in closed position ?
    A) Engine gets over cooling B) Engine gets over heating
    C) Engine does not start d) Engine does not stop
  8. The boiling temperature of the coolant in the cooling system is increased by the
    use of
    A) Atmospheric valve and vacuum valve
    B) Inlet and exhaust valve
    C) Pressure relief valve and vacuum valve
    D) Overflow valve and air valve
  9. Percentage of fuel energy lost to the cylinder walls in an automobile engine is
    A) 80 per cent B) 25 per cent
    C) 10 per cent d) 1 per cent
  1. In which types of cooling system the rate of cooling is very low ?
    A) Thermo siphon system
    B) Air cooling system
    C) Forced feed system
    d) Pump circulation system
  2. Engine overheating may result due to
    A) Radiator pressure cap stuck closed
    B) Excess coolant in the system
    C) Thermostat stuck open
    d) Broken fan belt
  3. What is the cause of water leakage in water pump ?
    A) Worn out bearing B) Worn out shaft
    C) Worn out seal d) Worn out impeller
  4. What is the reason if oil pump does not suck the oil ?
    A) Filter clogged B) Relief valve struck
    C) more backlash d) less radial clearance
  5. The friction that occurs between the layers of oil in an oil film is called
    A) Solid friction B) Viscous friction
    C) Boundary friction d) Greasy friction
  6. High oil pressure in a lubrication system is caused due to
    A) Incorrect adjustment of relief valve
    B) low amount of engine oil in sump
    C) low suction effect in suction pipe
    d) Broken relief valve spring
  7. Which part is lubricated by splash lubrication system ?
    A) Timing gears B) main journal
    C) Crank pin d) Cylinder wall
  8. Which type of the emission control system that blow by gases are feed into the
    inlet manifold of a running engine ?
    A) Exhaust gas recirculation B) Crank case ventilation
    C) Positive crank case ventilation d) Catalytic convention
  9. Excessive oil consumption may be caused by all of these problems except
    A) Worn rocker arms B) Worn valve guides
    C) Worn piston rings d) Scored cylinder walls
  1. In a diesel fuel injection pump, the effective pressure strokes of the plungers are
    regulated by means of a
    A) Fuel pump B) Cam shaft C) Needle valve d) Control rack
  2. Which action the spindle only move up and down in feed pump ?
    A) Partial action B) Idling action
    C) Normal action d) Pumping action
  3. Cetane number of a diesel fuel is measure of
    A) Volatility B) Viscosity C) Ignition quality D) Specific gravity
  4. Which governor has fitted the control rack with diaphragm ?
    A) mechanical governor B) Pneumatic governor
    C) Servo governor d) Centrifugal governor
  5. The combustion process in a diesel cycle happens at
    A) Constant pressure B) Constant volume
    C) Constant temperature d) Constant entropy
  6. What is the purpose of baffles in the fuel tank ?
    A) To strengthen the fuel tank
    B) To make chambers in the fuel tank
    C) To make square and lengthy fuel tank
    d) To minimize the slushing of fuel in the tank
  7. Which meter indicates the distance travelled by a vehicle ?
    A) Ampere meter B) Tachometer C) Odometer d) Speedometer
  8. Limp In mode is in
    A) Parking brake B) Engine check light
    C) Gear shift indicator d) Transmission system
  9. What is the function of solenoid switch in starting system ?
    A) Open and close the circuit between primary and secondary
    B) Step down voltage from primary to secondary winding
    C) Close the contact between battery and starting motor
    d) Shift the lever to engage the plunger
  1. Which type of sensor used to monitor the injection timing and ignition timing of engine ?
    A) Crank and cam shaft position sensor B) Throttle position sensor
    C) Pressure sensor d) Engine knocking sensor
  2. In an alternator the magnetic field is produced in the
    A) Stator B) Frame C) Regulator d) Rotor
  3. Which gas is filled in the sealed beam head lights ?
    A) Oxygen gas B) Nitrogen gas C) Argon gas d) Hydrogen gas
  4. Which sensor is used for monitoring the air-fuel ratio ?
    A) Exhaust gas oxygen sensor B) Crank shaft position sensor
    C) Cam shaft position sensor D) Mass air flow sensor
  5. The vertical distance between the centre line of the centrifugal pump and the liquid
    surface in the pump is called as
    A) dynamic head B) manometric head
    C) delivery head d) Suction head
  6. A centrifugal pump acts as a reverse of
    A) Outward radial flow reaction turbine
    B) Pelton turbine
    C) Inward radial flow reaction turbine
    d) Reciprocating pump
  7. The fluid coming in the centrifugal pump is accelerating with the help of
    A) Throttle B) Impeller C) Nozzle d) Governor
  8. Which one of the following parts act as a flame arrester during engine back fire ?
    A) Fuel filter B) Muffler C) Air filter D) Oil filter
  9. Which type of muffler produces anti noise without restricting exhaust flow ?
    A) Baffle type B) Electronic type
    C) Reverse flow type D) Straight through type

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