1. Which of the following is a defined quantity?
a) Pressure
b) Polarity
c) Money
d) Length
2. The basic unit for luminous intensity is
a) Ampere
b) Candela
c) Coulomb
d) Radian
3. Which of the following is a correct relation?
a) Giga>Mega>Tera
b) Mega>Tera>Giga
c) Tera>Mega>Giga
d) Tera>Giga>Mega
4. Charge is
a) Unipolar
b) Bipolar
c) Tripolar
d) Non – Polar in nature
5. Separation of charge creates
a) Current
b) Voltage
c) Resistance
d) Friction
The energy per unit charge is
a) Voltage
b) Power
c) Current
d) Work
If charge q = 3t2 + 2 then current is given by
a) 6t + 2
b) 3t2
c) 6t
d) 3t2 + 2
If energy w = 200t2+ 99 et + 2 then calculate power at 0.1 sec
a) 148.52
b) 149.41
c) 149.95
d) 148.39
‘Positive Power’ meaning ___________
a) Power is being delivered to circuit
b) Power is being extracted from circuit
c) No power supply
d) Input and output powers are equal
The symbol used for representing Independent sources
a) Diamond
b) Square
c) Circle
d) Triangle
Controlled sources are also known as
a) Independent sources
b) Dependent sources
c) Ideal sources
d) Voltage sources
I3 = α vx. This is _________
a) Voltage control voltage source
b) Current control voltage source
c) Voltage control current source
d) Current control current source
Inductor is _______________ element.
a) Active
b) Passive
c) Linear
d) Polar
The opposing capacity of materials against the current flow is
a) Conductance
b) Inductance
c) Susceptance
d) Resistance
The conductance of a 923Ω resistance is
a) 1.08 * 10-3 mho
b) 1.08 * 10-4 mho
c) 1.02 * 10-3 mho
d) 1.02 * 10-4 mho
The current passing through a circuit is 7.2A and the power at the terminals is 27 watts. reistence is ___________ ohms.
a) 0.5402
b) 0.5208
c) 0.5972
d) 0.5792
Relation between power, voltage and conductance
a) V = P2.G
b) V = P2/G
c) P = v2/G
d) P = V2 G
KCL is based on the fact that
a) There is a possibility for a node to store energy.
b) There cannot be an accumulation of charge at a node.
c) Charge accumulation is possible at node
d) Charge accumulation may or may not be possible.
Relation between currents according to KCL is
a) i1=i2=i3=i4=i5
b) i1+i4+i3=i5+i2
c) i1-i5=i2-i3-i4
d) i1+i5=i2+i3+i4
The algebraic sum of voltages around any closed path in a network is equal to ____________
a) Infinity
b) 1
c) 0
d) Negative polarity
Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ’s From Notebook Site (www.notebukofaprofessor.blogspot.com) |
1. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 1 |
2. Current Electricity MCQ |
3. Basic Electrical MCQ 2 |
4. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 3 |
5. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 4 |
6. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 5 |
7. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 6 |
8. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 7 |
9. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 8 |
10. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 9 |
11. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 10 |
12. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 11 |
13. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 2 |
14. Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ 14 |