Hi, Attend a mock test on Basic Electrical Engineering. This will be helpful for all competitive exams including Electrical Engineering in the syllabus.
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This is a timed quiz. You will be given 500 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?
A wire connected directly across battery terminals acts as a
Nichrome is commonly used for :
The wire material used in Rheostat is
which of the following stays the same in all parts of a series circuit?
The specific resistance of a conductor depends on :
Ohms law is applicable to:
Full name of SWG
The resistance of the earth should be?
A bilateral element is:
Which of the following is the lightest?
The sure test of electrification is:
Electric shock is :
Kirchoff’s Voltage Law KVL is concerned with
What is immaterial for an electric fuse is :
Eureka has ....... temperature coefficient of resistance :
Which of the following is the poorest conductor of electricity?
The ratio of voltage and current in a closed circuit:
The force tending to move the electricity is called:
Two wires A and B have the same cross-section and are made of the same material. R(A) = 600 Ohms and R(B) =100 ohms. The number of times A is longer than B is
Two bulbs 100 W ,250 V and 200 W, 250 V are connected in series across a 500 V line,
Superposition theorem can be applied only to circuits having ....... elements
Volt denotes:
'n' similar resistors each of resistance 'r', when connected in parallel, has the resistance of value R . When they are connected in series, the total resistance will be:
The hot resistance of a tungsten lamp is about 12 times its cold resistance. Accordingly, the cold resistance of a 60 W, 120 V lamp is about ........ Ohm
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