Difference between conventional flooded batteries and VRLA batteries

Difference between conventional flooded batteries and VRLA batteries: As you alread learned about what is a VRLA battery, charging, storage, Installation VRLA batteries, this post explains on conventional flooded batteries Vs VRLA batteries.

Conventional Flooded Batteries Vs VRLA Batteries

Sl noConventional flooded batteriesVRLA batteries
1Constant current charging method
is normally used for charging these
Constant voltage with current
limiting method is the
recommended for charging these
2As excess of free acid is available.
Hence electrolyte stratification
takes place. To maintain uniform
specific gravity of electrolyte
equalizing/extended charging is
As there is no stratification of
electrolyte, no equalizing charging
is required
3Frequent topping-up of distilled
water and acid is required since
equalizing/extended charge method
is used which results in loss of
Under normal recommended
operating conditions there will no
loss of water. Hence the periodic
topping- up is not required if the
voltage, current, ripple and
regulation are in specified limits.
4Post corrosion is observed due to
acid mist.
No post corrosions in normal
operation since there is no acid
5These batteries are needed to be
placed only vertically since they
required frequent topping-up with
distilled water and can lead to
spillageโ€™s as free and floating acid
is present inside the battery
The batteries can be mounted in any
position (normally horizontal
position is recommended) since
they do not require any periodic
topping and are both spill and leak
Conventional flooded batteries vs VRLA batteries

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