Electric Arc length|Short,Medium, Long Arc

Electric arc length is the straight distance between the electrode tip and the job surface when the arc is formed.

There are three types of arc lengths:

  1. Medium or normal
  2. Long
  3. Short

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Medium, normal electric arc

The correct arc length or normal arc length is approximately equal to the diameter of the core wire of the electrode.

This is a stable arc producing steady sharp cracking sound and causing:

  • Even burning of the electrode
  • Reduction in spatters
  • Correct fusion and penetration
  • Correct metal deposition

It is used to weld mild steel using a medium coated electrode. It can be used for the final covering run to avoid undercut and excessive convex fillet/ reinforcement.

Long electric arc

If the distance between the tip of the electrode and the base metal is more than the diameter of the core wire it is called a long arc. It makes a humming sound causing:

  • unstable electric arc
  • oxidation of weld metal
  • poor fusion and penetration
  • poor control of molten metal
  • more spatters, indicating wastage of electrode metal.

It is used in plug and slot welding, for restarting the arc and while withdrawing the electrode at the end of a bead after filling the crater.

Generally long arc is to be avoided as it will give a defective weld.


Short electric arc

If the distance between the tip of the electrode and the base metal is less than the diameter
of the core wire, it is called a short arc.

It makes a popping sound causing:

  • the electrode melting fastly and trying to freeze with the job
  • higher metal with narrow width bead
  • less spatters
  • more fusion and penetration.

It is used for root runs to get good root penetration, for positional welding and while using a
heavy coated electrode, low hydrogen, iron, powder and deep penetration electrode

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