Electric Vehicle Terminologies: The important terminologies for Electric Vehicles(EV) are listed below.
Electric Vehicle (EV)
Electric Vehicle (EV): Any vehicle which has an electric motor and can be powered by
battery storage, fuel cell, photovoltaic array, or any other source of electric current. An EV
can either be a hybrid electric vehicle or a battery electric vehicle.
Read: Electric Vehicle
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV): A battery electric vehicle is only powered by a battery
storage and cannot be powered by any other type of fuel.
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV): An HEV combines an internal combustion engine
powered by conventional fuels with a battery-powered electric motor. The battery is
charged using the IC engine and through regenerative braking.
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV): PHEVs are hybrid EVs, but the batteries in
PHEV can be charged by plugging into an electrical outlet.
Charging Point/ Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
Charging Point/ Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE): A charging point or an
EVSE is the actual point of connection of the EV with the electrical network. A charging
point or EVSE can have different connectors attached to it for compatibility purposes but
only one may be used at a time. (SWEEP, n.d.)
Charging Station/ Electric vehicle Charging Station (EVCS):
Charging Station/ Electric vehicle Charging Station (EVCS): A charging station or
EVCS is the physical station with one or more charging points.
Charging Pool
Charging Pool: A charging pool consists of multiple charging stations within a
geographical area as shown in Figure . The charging pool is operated by one charge
point operator.

Connector: A connector is a physical interface between the EVSE and the EV. Based on
different standards there are different connectors such as J1772, Mennekes Type 2
connector etc.
Charge Point Operator (CPO)
Charge Point Operator (CPO): The charge point operator is responsible for the
management, maintenance, and operation of the charging stations
Read more on Electric Vehicles
- Electric Vehicle
- Electric Vehicle Terminologies
- Electric Vehicle Charging Standards
- Charging Methods & Power Ratings for Electric Vehicles
- Electric Vehicle charger|EVSE- Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
Best Handheld Home Electric Vehicle Chargers
- Zevpoint Portable EV Charger/ Ropeset for Cars
- Portable EV Charger Fast 7.4kW (32A) with LCD Display Current Adjustment and 5 Meter Cable
- Zevpoint Swift Pro Electric Vehicle Charger | 7.2 kW, Type 2 Connector, Single Phase, 20 feet Cable | Touch Screen, Power Control, Smartย
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