Electrical Contractor Licence in Kerala: The Kerala State Electricity Licencing Board is the authority to issue the Electrical Contractor Licence in Kerala. This includes the issue & Renewal of Class A, Class B, Class C Electrical Contractor Licences, Electrical Supervisor permit Grade A and B, Wireman permit etc.
In this post, you can learn how to Apply for Electrical Contractor Licence Kerala for Class A/Class B/ Class C. We have made separate detailed articles for each Class of Electrical Contractor License. Also Electrical contractor licence kerala requirements,
Read : [Complete Guide] Class A Electrical Contractor Licence Application, Renewal
What is Electrical Contractor Licence and Why its Needed?
Electrical contractor license is an acceptance to work at a certain level of voltage. The voltage levels vary from state to state.
If you are planning to work in voltages equal to or higher than 11KV, you need to obtain the Electrical contractor license.
Electrical Contractor will require the license if you intend to carry on a business as an electrician and undertake electrical work. The Electrical contractor license is not required if you are an employee only.
Read: Electrical Engineering Important Interview Questions and Answers
Classes of Electrical Contractor Licence
The main classes for Electrical Contractor Licence are Class A, Class B & Class C.
The classification is based on the level of Voltage up to which the contractor can carry out the work.
- Class A Electrical Contractor Licence
- Class B Electrical Contractor Licence
- Class C Electrical Contractor Licence
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Class A Electrical Contractor Licence
Application form available from District Office of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate,or in web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in
Read : [Complete Guide] Class A Electrical Contractor Licence Application, Renewal
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Who can apply for Class A Electrical Contractor Licence?
- The applicant shall have an office with adequate office facilities functioning in the State of Kerala.
- The applicant shall have a minimum of three years active experience after the possessing a Contractor class ‘B’ ( with the scope of all LT / MV Electrical installations upto 250kW including Generator Installations upto 250 kVA) in the State of Kerala and
- the applicant should have successfully completed the installation works of either (a) or (b) or (c) given below
a) 3 Numbers of Installation of Generator of capacity 100 kVA or above
b) 2 Numbers of Generator of capacity 100 kVA or above and One Number of APFC panel of capacity 100 kVA or above
c) 1 Number of Generator of capacity 100 kVA or above and 2 Numbers of APFC panel of capacity 100 kVA or above
And also the applicant must have completed a total MV installation works of 1000 kVA or above in different consumer premises out of which 1/3rd shall be of Industrial Load and 5 Numbers of load should be unit loads of minimum 25 hp or capacitor panel rated minimum 25 kVAr.
The lift motor fire pump motor, X-ray and CT scan shall not be considered as unit load for this purposes.
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work, Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit ‘A ‘ with scope .
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit.
The applicant shall possess Instruments ( With Test and Calibration Certificates ) The applicant shall possess the Electrical Tools.
The applicant shall possess the drawing and office facilities.
The applicant shall possess the library of books The partner ship firm shall register partner ship deed under Kerala Registration Act. and Company Registration Certificate ( if registered as Company )
How to Apply for Class A Electrical Contractor Licence
Dully filled Application form for Electrical Contractor Class A Licence ( Application form available from Web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in )
Documents to be forwarded along with the application
(a) Original chalan receipt for the remittance of the fee** remitted in a Government Treasury or in Friends under the head of account โ 0043 โ 00 โ 800 โ 99 โ.
(b) Original Test and Calibration certificates of Instruments( validity does not exceed six months)
(c) Verification Certificate of Tools ( validity does not exceed six months )
(d) Declaration of Wireman / Supervisor ( attested by the officer from District Office of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate )
(e) Original Electrical Wireman / Supervisor permit (for the enrollment of Wireman / Supervisor )
(f) Bank Guarantee for Rs 10,000/- and Rs 25000/- for HT and EHT installations respectively ( for minimum period of 3years )
(g) Self addressed and stamped envelope of A4 size ( Stamps worth Rs 80 / – )
(h) Two passport size photographs attested by a Gazetted Officer (on the back side, stating that this is the true photograph of Shri / Smtโฆโฆโฆ..โฆ)
(i) Two specimen signatures duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
(j) Certificate of ownership of workshop ( fabricating unit ) / Office
(k) A List containing the data of the Electrical Installation works undertaken successfully and Hard Copies of the Letter of Approval of Electrical scheme, Approved drawings, Letter of Sanction for Energisation of installations.
- The applicant shall have an office in the State of Kerala
- The applicant shall have a minimum of three years active experience after the possessing a Contractor class ‘B’ ( with the scope of all LT / MV Electrical installations ) in the State of Kerala and
- the applicant should have successfully completed the installation works of either (a) or (b) or (c) given below
a) 3 Numbers of Installation of Generator of capacity 100 kVA or above
b) 2 Numbers of Generator of capacity 100 kVA or above and One Number of APFC panel of capacity 100 kVA or above
c) 1 Number of Generator of capacity 100 kVA or above and 2 Numbers of APFC panel of capacity 100 kVA or above
- And also applicant should have completed a total MV installation works of 1000 kVA or above in different consumer premises.
- out of which 5 Numbers of load should be unit loads of minimum 25 hp or capacitor panel rated minimum 25 kVAr.
- The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor
- holding valid Supervisor Permit ‘A ‘ with scope :
- All LT / MV Electrical Installations,
- MV Generator upto 500kVA
- HT Installations upto 500 kVA Transformer
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor
- holding valid Supervisor Permit ‘A ‘ with scope : All LT / MV / HT Electrical Installations ( This does not include EHT installations )
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor
- holding valid Supervisor Permit ‘A ‘ with scope : All LT / MV / HT / EHT
- Electrical Installations ( All LT / MV / HT / EHT Electrical Installations )
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work ,Five Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit.
Application Fee for Class A Electrical contractor licence
Application Form Fee :Rs 1050
Initial fee to be sent along with application: Rs 1050
Fee for issue of licence after verification: Rs 10500
Cost of Staff Register: Rs 315
Total Fee: Rs 12915
Application should be addressed to The Secretary, Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board, Department of Electrical Inspectorate Housing Board Buildings, Shanthi Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram 695 001.
The applicant shall possess the following Instruments ( With Test and Calibration Certificates )
- Insulation Tester 500 V
- Insulation Tester 1000 V
- Insulation Tester 5000 V ( Motorised or Digital )
- Digital Multimeter to measure a.c and d.c voltage and current, resistance and capacitance
- Tong Tester : 0 โ 10 – 300 A – 800 A & 0 – 300 V – 600V
- Earth Tester : 0 – 01 / 1000 ohm with selector switch
- Frequency meter : 45 to 55 Hz
- Portable PF meter : 5A, 240V, ac
The applicant shall possess the following Tools
- Spanner set ( Double end, Box, Ring, Adjustable type )
- โข Portable Welding Set – 100 A
- Cutting Pliers ( insulated )
- Rollers for cable laying.
- Nose Pliers
- Safety Belt
- Micrometer / Screw gauge
- Portable grinder
- Allen key set
- Rubber Gloves( Electrical Grade)
- Vernier Caliper
- Portable Drill ( Heavy duty, Light duty )
- Steel Measuring Tape (a) 15 m and (b) 50 m
- Tool for pipe threading and joining
- Portable Compressor with spray gun
- Blow lamp
- Blower
- Cable joining facilities
- Screw Drivers (all size)
- Crimping tools set with dies up to 400 mm2 (a) Hand Operated (b) Hydraulic
Fabrication and materials handling facility (Agreement in Proforma to be furnished)
Office Facilities with Drawing board & Accessories
Computer with CAD, Facility for taking Ammonia prints and blue prints, Printer / Plotter
Type writer / Computer , Telephone / Fax / E-mail
The applicant should have Library facilities, the followings books are needed;
- Electricity Act 2003, Indian Electricity Rules 1956 , Kerala State Electricity Board Rules , Kerala Cinema ( Regulation ) Rules 1988 ,
- Conditions of supply of KSEB,Electrical Inspectorate Standards, Standard Published by Central Board of irrigation & Power, Safety Manual,
- National Electric Code. IS 732 IS 3043 All important BIS specification as directed by the licensing board and the Electrical inspectorate from time to time
The following facilities are required
- EHT contractors Licensee
- Facility for handling heavy machineries
- Fabrication facilities
- Cable jointing and terminating facilities
- Oil filtering and testing facilities
- Relay Testing kit
- High Voltage Testing facilities
for EHT The applicant shall produce Bank Account Statement for Last Three year and Bank Solvency Certificate for Rs.25,000
The applicant shall produce Bank Account Statement for Last Three year and Bank Solvency Certificate for Rs.10,000
Inspection and verification of the facilities
Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope :
- All LT / MV Electrical Installations,
- MV Generator upto 500kVA
- HT Installations upto 500 kVA Transformer
Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope :
- All LT / MV / HT
- Electrical Installations
- ( This does not include EHT installations )
Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope :
All Electrical Installations ( All LT / MV / HT / EHT Electrical Installations.
Class B Electrical Contractor licence
Who can apply for the Electrical Contractor Class B Licence?
The applicant shall have an office with adequate office facilities functioning in the State of Kerala.
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work, Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit Garde ‘B ‘ or Garde ‘A ‘
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work, Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit.
The applicant shall possess Instruments ( With Test and Calibration Certificates ) The applicant shall possess the Electrical Tools.
The applicant shall possess the drawing and office facilities. The applicant shall possess the library of books The partner ship firm shall register partner ship deed under Kerala Registration Act.
How to apply for the Electrical Contractor Class B Licence?
Dully filled Application form for Electrical Contractor Class B Licence ( Application form available from Web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in )
Documents to be forwarded along with the application
(a) Original chalan receipt for the remittance of the fee** remitted in a Government Treasury or in Friends under the head of account โ 0043 โ 00 โ 800 โ 99 โ.
(b) Original Test and Calibration certificates of Instruments( validity does not exceed six months )
(c) Verification Certificate of Tools ( validity does not exceed six months )
(d) Declaration of Wireman / Supervisor (attested by the officer from the Department of Electrical Inspectorate )
(e) Original Electrical Wireman / Supervisor permit (for the enrollment of Wireman / Supervisor )
(f) Self addressed and stamped envelope of size 20 cm x 14 cm ( Stamps worth Rs 62 / – )
(g) Two passport size photographs attested by a Gazetted Officer (on the back side, stating that this is the true photograph of Shri / Smtโฆ.โฆโฆโฆโฆโฆ..โฆ)
(h) Two specimen signatures duly attested by a Gazetted Officer
(i) Inspection reports from the Electrical Inspector / Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector regarding the facilities provided ( for scope of all LV/MV installation upto 250 kW and generator upto 250kVA in prescribed format is necessary.)
Application fee for the Electrical Contractor Class B Licence
Application Form Fee: Rs 525
Initial fee to be sent along with application: Rs 525
Fee for issue of licence after verification: Rs 5250
Cost of Staff Register: Rs 315
Total Fee: Rs 6615
Class C Electrical Contractor Licence
Who can apply for Class C Electrical Contractor Licence?
The applicant shall have a valid Electrical Wreman Permit issued by Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board and
- Minimum 5 years practical experience after getting Electrical Wreman Permit ( Examination)
- Minimum 3 years practical experience after getting Electrical Wreman Permit ( Exemption)
How to apply for the Electrical Contractor Class C Licence?
Duly filled Application form for Electrical Contractor Class C Licence ( Application form available from Web site : ceikerala.gov.in )
Documents to be forwarded along with the application
(a) Original chalan receipt for the remittance of the fee Rs 420 /-(Application Fee : Rs 210/- + Scrutiny fee : Rs 210/-)remitted in a Government Treasury or in Friends (Head of account โ 0043 โ 00 โ 800 โ 99 )
(b) Copy of the Experience Certificate attested by a Gazetted Officer
(c) Copy of Electrical Wireman Permit attested by a Gazetted Officer
(d) Self addressed and stamped envelope of size 10 cm x 24 cm ( Stamps worth Rs 5 / – )
Applicant is requested to appear an Interview, ( The applicant shall be actively engaged in wiring works and shall satisfy the board about his actual experience )
The successful Candidate are requested to submit the following
( Electrical Contractor Class C* Licence issued on the Report from Electrical Inspector / Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector )
(a) Original chalan receipt for the remittance of the fee Rs 840/- ( fee for issue of Contractor Licence) remitted in a Government Treasury or in Friends (head of account โ 0043 โ 00 โ 800 โ 99 )
(b) Original Test certificates of Instruments ** Verification Certificate of Tools ( validity does not exceed six months )
(c) Self addressed and stamped envelope of size 20 cm x 14 cm ( Stamps worth Rs 62 / – )
(d) Two passport size photographs attested by a Gazetted Officer (on the back side, stating that this is the true photograph of Shri / Smtโฆ.โฆโฆ..โฆ)
(e) Two specimen signatures duly attested by a Gazetted Officer
(f) Original Electrical Wireman Permit
Wireman permit Instruments and Tools
** The applicant shall possess the Instruments and Tools ( With Test and verification Certificates )
Neon Tester, Insulation Tester 500V, Multimeter Wiring Tools,
The applicant shall have copies of KSELB rules as amended upto date as well as relevant codes of practice and standards of Indian standards Institution relating to LT Electrical Installation
Electrical Supervisor Permit Grade A and B
Electrical Supervisor Grade A
No Written examination is conducted for โAโ Grade Supervisors. For Grade B, written Exa available.
Qualification: Electrical Engineering Degree or Diploma in Electrical Engineering
with minimum 3 years experience ( Experience in State / Central Government, Government undertakings, HT, EHT consumers or under a licensed Electrical Contractor.
The Competency for the award of Supervisor permit Grade โAโ is evaluated by conducting an interview. The Class A permits are granted with scope of;
- All LT / MV Electrical Installations, MV Generator upto 500 kVA,
- HT Installation upto 500 kVA Transformer
- All LT / MV / HT Electrical Installations
- All LT / MV / HT / EHT Installations
Qualification for Electrical Supervisor Grade A and B Permit
Electrical Supervisor Grade A and B Permit
- Electrical Engineering Degree or Diploma in Electrical Engineering
with minimum 3 years experience or
2. Basic Qualification
- The candidate should have passed S.S.L.C. Examination
- The candidate should be in the age limit between 18-65
- Those who have five year practical experience with wireman permit
- ( four years after taking wireman permit and one year apprentice period )
- Those who have two years practical experience after obtaining wireman permits with ITI, NCVT and KGTE or
- SSLC Course completed and having 10 years experience after obtaining โCโ Class electrical Contractor Licence
How to Apply for for Electrical Supervisor Permit Grade A and B
For Non-Exempted Candidates (written exam available for Grade B supervisor)
Application Form available from District Offices of The Department of Electrical Inspectorate.
- Cost of Application form : Rs 110/-
- Head of Account
- 0043 – 00 โ 800 โ99
- Fee for Examination: Rs 360/-
For Exempted B. Candidates
Application Form available from District Offices of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate
- Cost of Application form : Rs 110/-
- Head of Account : 0043 – 00 โ 800 โ99
- Fee for exemption from examination : Rs 360
Duly Filled Application form to be addressed to;
The Secretary
Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board
Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector
Housing Board Buildings
Shanthi Nagar
Trivandrum 695 001
Competency for Electrical Supervisor Grade A and B
For exempted cateogories,The Competency for the award of a Supervisor permit is evaluated by conducting an interview
The permits are granted with scope of;
- All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 25 kW including Generator installations upto 25 kVA
- All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 50 kW including Generator installations upto 50 kVA
- All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 150 kW including Generator installations upto 150 kVA
- All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 250 kW including Generator installations upto 250 kVA
For non exempted categories
Permits with Scope of
- All LT / MV Electrical Installations upto 25 k W (for those who have secured 130 marks out of 300)
- All LT / MV Electrical Installations upto 50 k W (for those who have secured 180 marks out of 300)
- All LT / MV Electrical Installations upto 150 k W
- All LT / MV Electrical Installations
Application Fee Electrical Supervisor permit Grade A and B

Application Forms
Application for Class C Electrical Contractor licence
We will provide detailed posts in Class A,B, and C contractor licence in separately in coming posts. Stay tuned..
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