Electrical Power Generation Transmission and Distribution MCQ
101.Main applications of solar energy may be considered as _.
A. Direct thermal application B. Fuel from biomass C. Solar electric applications D. All of the above
102.Sun tracking is required in case of .
A. Cylindrical parabolic and paraboloid B. Flat plate collector C. Both (A) and (B) D. None of the above
103.The efficiency of solar cell is about .
A. 25% B. 15% C. 40% D. 60%
104.Photovoltaic solar energy conversion system makes use of .
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A. Solar pond B. Fuel cell C. Edison cell D. None of the above
105.Solar cells are made of .
A. Aluminium B. Germanium C. Silicon D. Cadmium
106.The output of a solar cell is of the order of .
A. 0.5-1 V B. 1-2 V C. 2-3 V D. 4-5 V
107.For satellites, the source of energy is _.
A. Solar cell B. Fuel cell C. Edison cell D. Cryogenic cell
108.The output wattage of a solar cell is of the order of .
A. 0.5 W B. 1.0 W C. 5.0 W D. 10.0 W 109.A module is a .
A. Series arrangement of solar cells B. Parallel arrangement of solar cells C. Series-parallel arrangement of solar cells D. None of the above
110.Solar cells, for power generation have drawbacks of .
A. Low efficiency B. Lack of availability C. High cost and maintenance problems D. All of the above
111.The solar or photovoltaic cell converts _.
A. Chemical energy into electrical energy B. Solar radiations into electrical energy C. Solar radiations into thermal energy D. Thermal energy into electrical energy
112.The energy radiated by sun on a bright sunny day is about .
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A. 2.5 kW/m2 B. 1.0 kW/m2 C. 500 W/m2 D. 200 W/m2
113.Which of the following power plants is the least reliable? A. Wind B. Tidal C. Geothermal D. Solar
114.Wind as a source of power .
A. Is non-steady and unreliable B. Does not possess the basic requirements of any energy source C. Is plentiful, inexhaustible, renewable and non-polluting D. All of the above
115.Maximum wind energy available is proportional to . A. Air density B. Cube of the wind velocity C. Square of the rotor diameter D. All of the above
116.The installed capacity of wind energy in India is about________.
A. 8000 MW B. 1500 MW C. 6000 MW D. 4000 MW
117.Which type of Generator is employed in wind power plant __.
A. Synchronous generator B. Induction generator C. Permanent magnet motor D. Brushless motor
118.Which type of wind mills are termed as ”cross-wind axis” machines?
A. Horizontal axis wind mill B. Vertical axis wind mill
C. Both (A) and (B) D. None of the above
119.The drawbacks of wind energy is______________.
A. Unreliability an non-steadiness B. Output voltage and frequency fluctuation C. Can affect the bird life D. All the above
120.Winds having following speed are suitable to operate wind turbines.
A. 5 โ 25m/s B. 10 โ 35m/s C. 20 โ 45m/s D. 30 โ 55m/s
121.Wind energy is harnessed as _ energy with the help of windmill or turbine.
A. Mechanical B. Solar C. Electrical D. Heat
122.Local winds are caused by_______.
A. differential heating of land and water B. differential heating of plains and mountains C. Any of the above D. None of the above
123.A tidal power plant is installed in India near .
A. Bay of Bengal B. Visakhapatnam C. Goa D. Gulf of Cambay
124.The turbine normally employed in tidal power plants is .
A. Simple impulse type B. Propeller type C. Reaction type D. Reversible type
125.Tidal energy utilizes _.
A. Kinetic energy of water B. Potential energy of water C. Both potential as well as kinetic energy of water D. None of the above
126.Tidal power schemes could not be found economically justified because of .
A. High cost of civil engineering works B. Non availability of tidal energy in India C. Both (A) and (B) D. None of the above
127.Which of the following methods, generating electric power from the sea water is more advantageous?
A. Ocean currents B. Wave power C. Tidal power D. None of the above
128.Difference in levels of ocean water between a high tide and low tide is called ___.
A. Tidal average B. Tide range C. Neap tide D. Spring tide
129.Ebb current is__________.
A. The same as eddy current B. The movement of the tidal current away from shore or down a tidal stream C. The removal by screen of undesirable fine materials D. None of the above
130.The main sources of production of biogas are______________. A.
Wet cow dung B. Human waste C. Wet livestock waste D. All of the above
131.Biogas consists _.
A. Only methane B. Methane and carbon dioxide with some impurities C. Only ethane D. A special organic gas
132.Biogas plants are suitable for __.
A. Metallurgical industries B. Commercial complexes C. Rural areas D. Coal mines
133.The main by-product of the biogas plant is .
A. Biomass B. Biogas C. Organic manure D. None of the above
134.Which of the following is a renewable sources of energy?
A. Uranium B. Petroleum C. Coal D. Biomass
135.For transmission of electrical energy, usually the system used is _.
A. Overhead system B. Underground cable system C. Both (A) and (B) D. None of the above
136.The conveyance of electrical power from power station to consumerโs premises is called _.
A. Transmission system B. Distribution system C. Supply system D. None of the above
137.For transmission of electrical energy the voltage preferable is .
A. High voltage B. Medium voltage C. Low voltage D. None of these
138.The transfer of electrical energy from generating station to the outskirts of the city is called _.
A. Primary transmission B. Primary distribution C. Secondary transmission D. Secondary distribution
139.The transfer of electrical energy from outskirts of the city to the substations is called __.
A. Primary transmission B. Primary distribution C. Secondary transmission D. Secondary distribution
140.In secondary distribution, the supply is transferred by .
A. 3 phase, 3 wire system B. 3 phase, 4 wire system C. 1 phase, 2 wire system D. 1 phase, 3 wire system
141.Compared to AC, DC transmission requires _.
A. Less copper B. More copper C. Same copper D. None of these
142.Compared to AC, the voltage regulation in DC transmission is .
A. High B. Low C. Same D. None of these
143.Compared to AC, the line drop in DC transmission is .
A. High B. Low C. Same D. None of these
144.Skin effect is less in _.
A. DC transmission B. AC transmission C. DC and AC transmission D. None of the above
145.Compared to AC, the corona loss in DC transmission is .
A. Less B. More C. Same D. None of these
146.In AC transmission, low frequency is preferable to _.
A. Reduce skin effect B. Reduce corona effect C. Reduce dielectric loss D. All of the above
147.Which transmission system, will affect the communication system more .
A. AC transmission B. DC transmission C. Both AC and DC transmission D. None of the above
148.Compared to DC, the insulation required for AC transmission is _.
A. Less B. More C. Same D. None of these
149.The skin effect will .
A. Increase the power loss B. Decrease the power loss C. Independent of the power loss D. None of the above
150.The transmission lines and distribution lines are discriminated by _.
A. The size of conductor B. Power transfer C. The operating voltage D. Operating current
Answer Key
101-D 102- A 103-B 104-A 105-C 106-A 107-A 108-B 109-C 110- C 111-B 112-B 113-A 114-B 115-D 116-A 117-B 118-B 119-D 120-A 121-A 122-C 123-D 124-D 125-B 126- A 127-C 128-B 129-B 130-D 131-B 132- C 133-C 134- D 135- C 136- C 137- A 138- A 139- C 140- B 141- A 142- B 143- B 144-A 145- A 146- D 147- A 148- C 149-A 150- C
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