51. Without Electro static precipitators_______.
A. ID fan rating should be increased B. Economizer rating should be increased C. Chimney height should be reduced D. None of the above
52.Which of the following equipment is installed to minimize pollution of surroundings?
A. Water treatment plant B. De-super heaters C. Cooling towers D. Electrostatic precipitators
53.Steam turbines are governed by the following methods.
A. Throttle governing B. Nozzle control governing C. By-pass governing D. All the above
54.Scrubbers are also called .
A. Wet type dust collectors B. Dry type dust collectors C. Electrostatic precipitators D. Cyclone separators
55.The efficiency of dust collection in wet type dust collector is .
A. 40 to 90% B. 50 to 80% C. 20 to 30% D. 60 to 75%
56.A hydroelectric power station is commonly found in _.
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A. Desert areas B. Hilly areas C. Swamps D. Grasslands
57.The largest size hydroelectric unit in India is _.
A. 350 MW B. 500 MW C. 165 MW D. 90 MW
58.The advantages of hydro plants are:
A. Low operating cost B. They can be started and loaded very quickly C. They can be used as base load and peak load plants as well D. All of the above
59.Which of the following power plants is free from environmental problems?
A. Diesel engine B. Nuclear C. Hydroelectric D. Steam
60.Which of the following plants will take least time in starting from cold conditions to full load operation?
A. Nuclear power plant B. Steam power plant C. Hydroelectric plant D. Gas turbine plant
61.Which of the following generating plants has the minimum operating cost?
A. Nuclear plant B. Hydroelectric plant C. Steam plant D. Diesel plant
62.Which of the place is not associated with hydro stations?
A. Bhakranangal B. Sileru C. Tarapur D. Nagarjuna
63.In Hydel power plant the area behind the dam is called .
A. Catchment area B. Power house C. Surge tank D. Tail race
64.In Hydro power plant the place where the water is started is called .
A. Catchment area B. Reservoir C. Power house D. Surge tank
65.Penstock is a . A. Heavy cement pipe B. Heavy steel pipe C. Heavy bronze pipeD. None of the above
66.The flow of water is controlled in .
A. Power house B. Valve house C. Surge tank D. Penstocks
67.The sudden water pressures are compensated in .
A. Power house B. Valve house C. Surge tank D. Penstocks
68.Hydrograph is plot of discharge of water versus .
A. Time B. Velocity of water C. Rate of flow of water D. Head of water
69.In a hydroelectric power plant the path taken from reservoir to valve house is called as
A. Dam B. Penstocks C. Pressure tunnel D. Reservoir
70.The water that comes out of the turbine is called .
A. Dust water B. Tail race C. Channel water D. None of the above
71.In high head hydroelectric power plant, the velocity of water flow in penstock is around .
A. 2 metres per second B. 4 metres per second C. 7 metres per second D. 10 metres per second
72.For high head and low discharge, the water turbine used is .
A. Pelton wheel turbine B. Kaplan turbine C. Francis turbine D. Propeller turbine
73.The power output from a hydroelectric power plant depends on .
A. Type of dam, type of catchment area and discharge
B. Type of dam, head and system efficiency
C. Discharge, head and system efficiency
D. Type of turbine, type of dam and type of catchment area
74.Gross head of a hydroelectric power station is .
A. The difference of water level between the level in the storage and tail race
B. The height of water level in the river where the tail race is provided
C. The height of water level in the river where the storage is provided
D. All of the above
75.In a pumped storage Hydel plants water is pumped to _.
A. Upstream during off peak periods
B. Upstream during peak load periods
C. Upstream during base load periods
D. None of the above
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76.In hydro power stations what is an enlarged body of water just above the intake and used as a regulating reservoir, called?
A. Spillways B. Forebay C. Reservoir D. Penstock
77.Location of a surge tank, in an hydroelectric power station, is near .
A. Turbine B. Tail race C. Reservoir D. Dam
78.Turbines installed at Bhakra Nangal are .
A. Pelton wheel turbine B. Francis turbine C. Kaplan turbine D. Propeller turbine
79.An impulse turbine .
A. Is most suited for low head and high discharge power plants
B. Operates by initial complete conversion to kinetic energy
C. Makes use of a draft tube
D. Always operates submerged
80.A penstock is used as a conduit between _.
A. The steam chest and the turbine in a thermal station
B. The dam and turbine in a hydro station
C. The turbine and the discharge drain
D. The heat exchanger and the turbine in a nuclear power plant
81.The function of a surge tank is to _.
A. Supply water at constant pressure
B. Relieve water hammer pressures in the penstock pipe
C. Produce surge in the pipeline
D. None of the above
82.The height of the surge tank is _.
A. Above the water head
B. Below the water head
C. At same height of the water head
D. None of the above
83.In hydroelectric power plant, when the water level exceeds the capacity of the dam, the water is released into the river through .
A. Surge tank B. Spillways C. Pen stocks D. Valve house
84.The water turbine converts the energy of falling water into .
A. Mechanical energy B. Electrical energy C. Steam energy D. Kinetic energy
85.The purpose of providing a trash tracks is to .
A. Prevent entry of water into turbine
B. Prevent entry of debris into turbine
C. Prevent entry of air into turbine
D. None of the above
86.Turbo alternators run at _.
A. A variable speed around 2000 R.P.M.
B. A constant speed of 1000 R.P.M.
C. A constant speed of 3000 R.P.M.
D. A variable speed above 1000 R.P.M.
87.The impulse turbine is used for .
A. High heads B. Low heads C. Medium heads D. Low and medium heads
88.The reaction turbine is used for .
A. High heads B. Low heads C. Medium heads D. Low and medium heads
89.The Kaplan turbine is used for .
A. High heads B. Low heads C. Medium heads D. Low and medium heads
90.The Francis turbine is used for .
A. High heads B. Low heads C. Medium heads D. Low and medium heads
91.For variable heads of near about, but less than 30 meters, which type of turbines is used in hydro power stations?
A. Pelton B. Kaplan C. Francis D. None of the above
92.In solar power plants, the solar heat is transferred to .
A. Molten salts B. Liquid metals C. Water steam D. Any of the above
93.Which of the following area is preferred for solar plants?
A. Coastal areas B. Hot arid zones C. Mountain tops D. High rainfall zones
94.The function of a solar collector is of converting solar energy into _.
A. Radiations B. Electrical energy directly C. Thermal energy D. Any of the above
95.Reflector mirrors employed for exploiting solar energy are called the .
A. Mantle B. Heliostats C. Diffusers D. Ponds
96.A pyrometer can be used for measurement of .
A. Diffuse radiations only B. Direct radiations only C. Both direct and diffuse radiations D. None of the above
97.Temperature attained by cylindrical parabolic collector is of the order of .
A. 50-100oC B. 100-150oC C. 150-200oC D. 200-300oC and above
98.The flat plate collector gives a .
A. Temperature of about 90oC with an efficiency of 30-35%
B. Temperature of about 120oC with an efficiency 45%
C. Temperature of about 150oC with an efficiency 52%
D. None of the above
99.In a solar collector, the transparent cover is provided to .
A. Protect the collector from dust
B. Reduce the heat losses from collector beneath to atmosphere
C. Transmit solar radiation only
D. All of the above
100.Solar thermal power generation can be had by using .
A. Flat plate collectors B. Focusing or concentrating collectors C. Solar ponds D. Any of the above
Answer Key
51- A 52- D 53- D 54- A 55- D 56- B 57- C 58- D 59- C 60- C 61- B 62- C 63- A 64- B 65- B 66- B 67- C 68- A 69- C 70- C 71- C 72- A 73- C 74- A 75- A 76- B 77- A 78- A 79- B 80- B 81- B 82- B 83 A 84-A 85- B 86- C 87- A 88- D 89- B 90- C 91- B 92- D 93- B 94- C 95- B 96-C 97- D 98- A 99-D 100- D
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