Hazardous Pollutants
What is a Hazardous Pollutant?
A hazardous pollutant is a pollutant material that can affect living organisms in a hazardous manner.
According to the WHO, health risks arise due to direct contact with toxic materials such as lead, cadmium, and chromium that leach from e-waste or by the inhalation of the toxic fumes, as well as from the accumulation of hazardous pollutants in soil, water, and food.
Read more questions on e-Waste in our previous post here.
Hazardous waste
What is Hazardous waste?
Hazardous waste is waste that has substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment.
Hazardous waste is a type of dangerous goods.
They usually have one or more of the following hazardous traits: ignitability, reactivity, corrosivity, toxicity.
Listed hazardous wastes are materials specifically listed by regulatory authorities as hazardous wastes which are from non-specific sources, specific sources, or discarded chemical products.
Hazardous wastes may be found in different physical states such as gaseous, liquids, or solids.
Hazardous waste is a special type of waste because it cannot be disposed of by common means like other by-products of our everyday lives.
Depending on the physical state of the waste, treatment and solidification processes might be required.
Hazardous pollutants MCQs
Which of the hazardous pollutant occurs in plastic?
a) Lithium
b) PCBs
c) Lead
d) Copper
Answer: PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
sources of PCBโs : Transformers, capacitors, softening agents for paint, glue, and plastic contains PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls).
What is the hazardous pollutant released from fax machines?
a) Lithium
b) Selenium
c) Lead
d) Copper
Answer: Selenium
sources of Selenium : Photoelectric cells, pigments, photocopiers, fax machines releases selenium into environment.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from LEDโs?
a) Arsenic
b) Barium
c) Cobalt
d) Cadmium
Answer: Arsenic
sources of Arsenic : Semiconductors, diodes, microwaves, LEDโs (Light-emitting diodes), solar cells releases arsenic into the environment.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from electron tubes?
a) Arsenic
b) Barium
c) Cobalt
d) Cadmium
Answer: Barium
sources of Barium: Electron tubes, filler for plastic and rubber, lubricant additives releases barium into the environment.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from LEDโs?
a) Arsenic
b) Barium
c) Cobalt
d) Cadmium
Answer: Arsenic
sources of Arsenic: Semiconductors, diodes, microwaves, LEDโs (Light-emitting diodes), solar cells releases arsenic into the environment.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from electron tubes?
a) Arsenic
b) Barium
c) Cobalt
d) Cadmium
Answer: Barium
sources of Barium: Electron tubes, filler for plastic and rubber, lubricant additives releases barium into the environment.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from batteries?
a) Arsenic
b) Barium
c) Cobalt
d) Cadmium
Answer: Cadmium
sources of cadmium : Batteries, pigments, solder, alloys, circuit boards, computer batteries, monitor cathode ray tubes (CRT) releases cadmium when handled improperly.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from inductive coils?
a) Arsenic
b) Barium
c) Cobalt
d) Copper
Answer: Copper
sources of copper : Conductor in cables, copper ribbons, coils, circuitry, and pigments releases copper pollutant into environment.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from circuit boards?
a) Arsenic
b) Barium
c) Lead
d) Copper
Answer: Lead
sources of Lead : Lead rechargeable batteries, solar, transistors, lithium batteries, PVC, (polyvinyl chloride) stabilizers, lasers, LEDโs, thermoelectric elements, and circuit boards releases lead pollutant into environment.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from telephones?
a) Lithium
b) Barium
c) Lead
d) Copper
Answer: Lithium
sources of Lithium : Mobile telephones, photographic equipment, video equipment (batteries) releases lithium pollutant into environment.
What is the hazardous pollutant released from calculators?
a) Lithium
b) Mercury
c) Lead
d) Copper
Answer: Mercury
sources of Mercury : Components in copper machines and steam irons; batteries in clocks and pocket calculators, switches, LCDs release mercury into environment when improperly handled.
Hazardous pollutants FAQโs
What is the hazardous pollutant released from plastic?
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
What is the hazardous pollutant released from fax machines?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from LEDโs?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from electron tubes?
ย What is the hazardous pollutant released from LEDโs?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from electron tubes?
ย What is the hazardous pollutant released from batteries?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from inductive coils?
ย What is the hazardous pollutant released from circuit boards?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from telephones?
ย What is the hazardous pollutant released from calculators?
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E- Waste Quiz
What is the hazardous pollutant released from circuit boards?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from electron tubes?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from batteries?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from telephones?
Insulators release chrome.
Which of the hazardous pollutant occurs in plastic?
In 2006, the IAER projected that _________ electronic and electrical appliances would become e-waste by 2010.
What is the iron and steel constitute of e-waste?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from inductive coils?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from resistors?
Nickel is released from _______
Which of the following metal affects mental development in children?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from luminous substances?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from LEDโs?
What is the hazardous pollutant released from calculators?
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