What is IE Rule 50?|IE Rule supply and use of energy?

IE Rule 50: IE (Indian Electricity) Rule 50 deals with Supply and use of Electrical energy. More details on IE Rule 50 and other IE Rules can be checked in this post.

What is IE Rule 50 supply and use of energy?

IE Rule 50 : Supply and use of energy

(1) The energy shall not be supplied, transformed, converted or used or continued to be supplied, transformed, converted or used unless provisions as set out below are observed:-

(a) The following controls of requisite capacity to carry and break the current after the point of commencement of supply as defined in rule 58 so as to be readily accessible and capable of being easily operated to completely isolate the supply to the installation of such equipment being in addition to any
equipment installed for controlling individual circuits or apparatus: –

(i) A linked switch with fuse(s) or a circuit breaker by low and medium voltage consumers.

(ii) A linked switch with fuse(s) or a circuit breaker by HV consumers having aggregate installed transformer/apparatus capacity up to 1000 KVA to be supplied at voltage upto 11 KV and 2500 KVA at higher -voltages (above 11 KV and not exceeding 33 KV).

(iii) A circuit breaker by HV consumers having an aggregate installed transformer/apparatus capacity above 1000 KVA and supplied at 11 KV and above 2500 KVA supplied at higher voltages (above 11 KV and not exceeding 33 KV).

(iv) A circuit breaker by EHV consumer; Provided that where the point of commencement of supply and the consumer apparatus are near each other one linked switch with fuse(s) or circuit breaker near the point of commencement of supply as required by this clause shall be considered sufficient for the purpose of this rule;

(b) In case of every transformer the following shall be provided: –

(i) On primary side for transformers a linked switch with fuse(s) or circuit breaker of adequate capacity:

Provided that the linked switch on the primary side of the transformer may be of such capacity as to carry the full load current and to break only the magnetising current of the transformer:

Provided further that for transformers of capacity 5000 KVA and above a circuit breaker shall be provided:

Provided further that the provision of linked switch on the primary side of the transformer shall not apply to the unit auxiliary transformer of the generator.

(ii) On the secondary side of transformers of capacity 100 KVA and above transforming HV to MV or LV, a linked switch with fuse(s) or circuit breaker of adequate capacity capable of carrying and breaking full load current and for transformers transforming HV to EHV as the case may be, a circuit breaker:

Provided that where the transformer capacity exceeds 630 KVA a circuit breaker of adequate capacity shall be installed on the secondary side;

(c) Except in the case of composite control gear designed as a unit distinct circuit is protected against excess energy by means of suitable cut-out or a circuit breaker of adequate breaking capacity suitably located and, so constructed as to prevent danger from overheating, arcing or scattering of hot metal when it comes
into operation and to permit for ready renewal of the fusible metal of the cut-out without danger;

(d) The supply of energy of each motor or a group of motors or other apparatus meant for operating one particular machine is controlled by a suitable linked switch or a circuit breaker or an emergency tripping device with manual reset of requisite capacity placed in such a position as to be adjacent to the motor or a group of motors or other apparatus readily accessible to and easily operated by the person incharge and so connected in the circuit that by its means all supply of energy can be cut off from the motor or group of motors or apparatus from any regulating switch, resistance of other device associated therewith;

(e) All insulating materials are chosen with special regard to the circumstances of its proposed use and their mechanical strength is sufficient for its purpose and so far as is practicable of such a character or so protected as to maintain adequately its insulating property under all working conditions in respect of
Temperature and moisture; and

(f) Adequate precautions shall be taken to ensure that no live parts are so exposed as to cause danger.

(2) Where energy is being supplied, transformed, converted or used the [consumer, supplier or the owner] of the concerned installation shall be responsible for the continuous observance of the provisions of sub-rule (1) in respect of his installations.

(3) Every consumer shall use all reasonable mean to ensure that where energy is supplied by a supplier no person other than the supplier shall interfere with the service lines and apparatus placed by the supplier on the premises of the consumer

IE Rule 50A

[50A. Additional provisions for supply and use of energy in multi-storeyed building (more than 15 metres in height)- (1) Before making an application for commencement of supply or recommencement of supply after an installation has been disconnected for a period of six months or more the owner/occupier of a multi-storeyed building shall give not less than 30 daysโ€™ notice in writing to the Inspector together with

The supply of energy shall not be commenced or recommenced within this period, without the approval or otherwise in writing of the Inspector.

(2) The supplier/owner of the installation shall provide at the point of commencement of supply a suitable isolating device with cut out or breaker to operate on all phases except neutral in the 3 phase 4 wire circuit and fixed in a conspicuous position at not more than 2.75 metres above the ground so as to completely isolate the supply to the building in case of emergency.

(3) The owner/occupier of a multi-storeyed building shall ensure that electrical installations/works inside the building are carried out and maintained in such a manner as to prevent danger due to shock and fire hazardsโ€™ and the installation is carried out in accordance with the relevant codes of practices.

(4) No other service pipes shall be taken along the ducts provided for laying power cables. All ducts provided for power cables and other services shall be provided with fire-barrier at each floor crossing

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