[PDF]IE Rules|Indian Electricity Rules 1956

IE Rules:The Indian Electricity Rules 1956 was made under section 37 of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and redefined after enactment of The Electricity Act 2003

Indian Electricity (IE) Rules 1956

Indian Electricity Rules were first made by the Central Electricity Board in the exercise of powers conferred under the Indian Electricity Act, of 1910.

Read: [PDF] Electricity Act 2003|Indian Electricity Act 2003 PDF

CEAR – Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 came into effect from 20th September 2010, in place of The Indian Electricity Rules, 1956.

Read : Which IE rule is applicable to service mains?|Indian Electricity Rule

Importance of IE Rules

IE rules mainly dealt with the following;

  • Appointment of inspectors & their duties
  • Licensing provisions.
  • General safety requirements
  • Conditions relating to supply and use of energy.
  • Electric supply lines and systems for LV & MV
  • Electric supply lines and systems for HV & EHV.
  • Overhead lines, underground cables and generating stations
  • Electric traction.
  • Precautions in mines & oil fields

Electricity Rules in India have been retained in the Electricity Act, 2003 and will continue to be in force until the regulations/rules under Section 53 of the Electricity Act, 2003 are framed.

There are 143 IE rules in all and we will discuss the relevant ones in brief. lets first check the definitions of different gradations of voltages as given by these rules.

Check : Indian Electricity Rules 1956

Read also: [Updated]List of IS Codes Electrical standards|IS 732, IS 3043 etc|Indian electrical standards

Indian Electricity Rules List

Chapter 1 – Preliminary

IE Rule 1 Short title and commencement

IE Rule 2 Definitions

IE Rule 3 Authorisation

Chapter II -Inspectors

IE Rule 4 Qualification of Inspectors

IE Rule 4A Appointment of officers to assist the Inspectors

IE Rule 4B Qualification of officers appointed to assist the Inspectors

IE Rule 5 Entry and inspection

IE Rule 6 Appeals

IE Rule 7 Amount of fees

IE Rule 8 Incidence of fees recoverable in the cases of dispute

IE Rule 9 Submission of records

IE Rule 10 List of consumers

Chapter III – Licence

IE Rule 11 Application for licence

IE Rule 12 Copies of maps and draft licence for public inspection

IE Rule 13 Contents of draft licence

IE Rule 14 Form of draft licence

IE Rule 15 Advertisement of application and contents thereof

IE Rule 16 Amendment of draft licence

IE Rule 17 Local enquiries

IE Rule 18 Approval of draft licence

IE Rule 19 Notification of grant of licence

IE Rule 20 Date of commencement of licence

IE Rule 21 Deposit of maps

IE Rule 22 Deposit of printed copies

IE Rule 23 Application for written consent of State Government in certain cases

IE Rule 24 Amendment of licence

IE Rule 25 Sale of Plans

IE Rule 26 Preparation and submission of accounts

IE Rule 27 Model conditions of supply

IE Rule 28 Forms of requisitions

Chapter IV – General Safety Requirements

IE Rule 29 Construction, installation, protection, operation and maintenance of electric supply lines and apparatus

IE Rule 30 Service lines and apparatus on consumerโ€™s premises

IE Rule 31 Cut-out on consumerโ€™s premises

IE Rule 32 Identification of earthed and earthed neutral conductors and position of switches and cut-outs therein.

IE Rule 33 Earthed terminal on consumerโ€™s premises

IE Rule 34 Accessibility of bare conductors

IE Rule 35 Danger notices

IE Rule 36 Handling of electric supply lines and apparatus

IE Rule 37 Supply to vehicles, cranes, etc.

IE Rule 38 Cables for portable or transportable apparatus

IE Rule 39 Cables protected by bituminous materials

IE Rule 40 Street boxes

IE Rule 41 Distinction on different circuits

IE Rule 41A Distinction of the installations having more than one feed

IE Rule 42 Accidental charge

IE Rule 43 Provisions applicable to protective equipment

IE Rule 44 Instructions for restoration of persons suffering from electric shocks

IE Rule 44A Intimation of accident

IE Rule 45 Precautions to be adopted by consumers, owners, occupiers,electrical contractors, electrical workmen and suppliers

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IE Rule 46 Periodical inspection and testing of consumerโ€™s installation

Chapter V -General Conditions Relating To Supply And Use Of Energy

IE Rule 47 Testing of consumerโ€™s installation

IE Rule 47A Installation and Testing of Generating Units

IE Rule 48 Precautions against leakage before connection

As per IE Rule 48, At a pressure of 1000 V applied between each live conductor and earth for
a period of one minute the insulation resistance of HV installations shall be at least
1 Mega ohm.

and for Medium and Low Voltage Installations- At a pressure of 500 V applied between each live conductor and earth for a period of one minute, the insulation resistance of medium and low voltage installations shall be at least 1 Mega ohm

IE Rule 49 Leakage on consumerโ€™s premises

IE Rule 50 Supply and use of energy

IE Rule 50A Additional provisions for supply and use of energy in multistoreyed building (more than 15 metres in height)

IE Rule 51 Provisions applicable to medium, high or extra high voltage installations

IE Rule 52 Appeal to Inspector in regard to defects

IE Rule 53 Cost of inspection and test of consumerโ€™s installation

IE Rule 54 Declared voltage of supply to consumer

IE Rule 55 Declared frequency of supply to consumer

IE Rule 56 Sealing of meters and cut-outs

IE Rule 57 Meters, maximum demand indicators and other apparatus on consumerโ€™s premises

IE Rule 58 Point of commencement of supply

IE Rule 59 Precautions against failure of supply; Notice of failures

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Chapter VI -Electric Supply Lines, Systems And Apparatus For Low And Medium Voltages

IE Rule 60 Test for resistance of insulation

IE Rule 61 Connection with earth

IE Rule 61A Earth leakage protective device

IE Rule 62 Systems at medium voltage

Chapter VII -Electric Supply Lines, Systems And Apparatus For High And Extra-High Voltages

IE Rule 63 Approval by Inspector

IE Rule 64 Use of energy at high and extra-high voltages

IE Rule 64A Additional provisions for use of energy at high and extra-high voltages

IE Rule 65 Testing, operation and maintenance

IE Rule 66 Metal sheathed electric supply lines; Precautions against excess leakage

IE Rule 67 Connection with earth

IE Rule 68 General conditions as to transformation and control of energy

IE Rule 69 Pole type sub-stations

IE Rule 70 Condensers

IE Rule 71 Additional provisions for supply to high voltage luminous tube sign installation

IE Rule 72 Additional provisions for supply to high voltage electrode boilers

IE Rule 73 Supply to X-ray and high frequency installation

Chapter VII -Overhead Lines

IE Rule 74 Material and strength

IE Rule 75 Joints

IE Rule 76 Maximum stresses; Factors of safety

IE Rule 77 Clearance above ground of the lowest conductor

IE Rule 78 Clearance between conductors and trolley wires

IE Rule 79 Clearances from buildings of low and medium voltage lines and service lines

IE Rule 80 Clearances from buildings of high and extra-high voltage lines

IE Rule 81 Conductors at different voltages on same supports

IE Rule 82 Erection of or alteration to buildings, structures, flood banks and elevation of roads

IE Rule 82A Transporting and Storing of material near overhead lines

IE Rule 83 Clearances; General

IE Rule 84 Routes; Proximity to aerodromes

IE Rule 85 Maximum interval between supports

IE Rule 86 Conditions to apply where telecommunication lines and power lines are carried on same supports

IE Rule 87 Lines crossing or approaching each other

IE Rule 88 Guarding

IE Rule 89 Service-lines from overhead lines

IE Rule 90 Earthing

IE Rule 91 Safety and protective devices

IE Rule 92 Protection against lightning

IE Rule 93 Unused overhead lines

Chapter IX -Electric Traction

IE Rule 94 Additional rules for electric traction

IE Rule 95 Voltage of supply to vehicle

IE Rule 96 Insulation of lines

IE Rule 97 Insulation of returns

IE Rule 98 Proximity to metallic pipes, etc.

IE Rule 99 Difference of potential on returns

IE Rule 100 Leakage on conduit system

IE Rule 101 Leakage on system other than conduit system

IE Rule 102 Passengers not to have access to electric circuit

IE Rule 103 Current density in rails

IE Rule 104 Isolation of sections

IE Rule 105 Minimum size and strength of trolley-wire

IE Rule 106 Height of trolley-wire and length of span

IE Rule 107 Earthing of guard wires

IE Rule 107A Proximity to magnetic observatories and laboratories

IE Rule 108 Records

Chapter X – Additional Precautions To Be Adopted In Mines And Oil-Fields

IE Rule 109 Application of Chapter

IE Rule 110 Responsibility for observance

IE Rule 111 Notices

IE Rule 112 Plans

IE Rule 113 Lighting, communications and fire precautions

IE Rule 114 Isolation and fixing of transformer, switch-gear, etc.

IE Rule 115 Method of earthing

IE Rule 116 Protective equipment

IE Rule 117 Earthing metal, etc.

IE Rule 118 Voltage limits

IE Rule 119 Transformers

IE Rule 120 Switchgear and Terminals

IE Rule 121 Disconnection of supply

IE Rule 122 Cables

IE Rule 123 Flexible cables

IE Rule 124 Portable and transportable machines

IE Rule 125 Sundry precautions

IE Rule 126 Precautions where gas exists

IE Rule 127 Shot-firing

IE Rule 128 Signalling

IE Rule 129 Haulage

IE Rule 130 Earthing of neutral points

IE Rule 131 Supervision

IE Rule 132 Exemptions


IE Rule 133 Relaxation by Government

IE Rule 134 Relaxation by Inspector

IE Rule 135 Supply and use of energy by non-licensees and others

IE Rule 136 Responsibility of Agents and Managers

IE Rule 137 Mode of entry

IE Rule 138 Penalty for breaking seal

IE Rule 138A Penalty for breach of rule 44A

IE Rule 139 Penalty for breach of rule 45

IE Rule 140 Penalty for breach of rule 82

IE Rule 140A Penalty for breach of rule 77, 79 or 80

IE Rule 141 Penalty for breach of rules

IE Rule 142 Application of rules

IE Rule 143 Repeal

Definition of Different Grades of Voltages

Low VoltageNot exceeding 250 V
Medium VoltageNot exceeding 650 V
High VoltageNot exceeding 33 kV
Extra High VoltageExceeding 33 kV

The above table gives the definitions of different gradations of voltages as given by the IE Rules.

IE Rule 1

The first two rules give the title and definitions of the IE Rules.

IE Rule 3

Rule 3 pertains to authorisation of persons engaged in generation, transformation,

transmission, conversion, distribution or use of energy.

IE Rule 32(A)

As per rule 3(2A), no person should be authorized to operate or undertake maintenance of any part or whole of a generating station of capacity 100 MW and above together with the associated substation and other substations of 132 kV and above unless s/he is adequately qualified and has successfully undergone the type of training specified in the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956.

According to these Rules all work on major electrical installations should be carried out under the permit to work system, which provides in-built safety to the workforce engaged in electrical work.

IE Rule 4 -10

The qualifications and powers of Inspectors and his/her assistants are mentioned in the Rules 4 to 10.

IE Rule 11- 28

Rules 11 to 28 spell out the procedure for applying and obtaining licenses.

IE Rule 29-46

Rules 29 to 46 pertain to the general safety requirements and we state, in brief, the important ones:

Indian Electricity Rule โ€“ 29
All electrical apparatus and supply lines should be of appropriate ratings.

โ€ข All electric supply lines and apparatus should be constructed, installed, worked and maintained in such a manner as to ensure the safety of personnel and property.

โ€ข Identification of earthed and earthed neutral conductors and position of switches and cut outs is a must. In the double pole switches, link should be provided instead of fuse carrier on the neutral conductor.

โ€ข Earthed terminal must be provided on consumer’s premises. Earth pits should be constructed and maintained strictly as per relevant standards. The earth resistance of earth electrodes should not exceed 5 ohms.

โ€ข Danger Boards as per IS 2551 should be affixed permanently in a conspicuous position on every motor, generator, transformer and other electrical equipment.

โ€ข Instructions for restoration of persons suffering from electric shock should be written in English or Hindi or local language of the district and be affixed by the owner in a conspicuous place in every generating station, enclosed switched station, etc.

โ€ข If any accident involving a human being or an animal occurs, a telegraphic report within 24 hours of the knowledge of the occurrence of the fatal accident and a written report in the form set out within 48 hours of fatal and other accidents should be sent to the electrical inspector.

Where practicable, a telephonic message should be given to the Inspector immediately.

โ€ข Periodic inspection and testing of consumer’s installation must be done at intervals not exceeding five years either by an Inspector or any officer appointed to assist the Inspector or by the supplier as directed by the Central Government.

IE Rule 47- 59

Rules 47 to 59 pertain to the general conditions relating to supply and use of energy.

As per these rules, electrical installation works of a consumer should be carried out by a licensed contractor, the insulation resistance should be above the prescribed limit, and the supplier should not permit the voltage, at the point of commencement of supply, to vary from the declared voltage as per the stipulations given ahead:

โ€ข in the case of low or medium voltage by more than 6%;
โ€ข in the case of high voltage, by more than 6% on the higher side and by more than 9% on the lower side; and
โ€ข in the case of extra high voltage, by more than 10% on the higher side and by more than 12.5% on lower side.

Moreover, a supplier should not permit the frequency of an AC supply to vary from the declared frequency by more than 3%.

There are rules pertaining to electric supply lines, systems and apparatus for low and medium voltages, high and extra high voltages, and additional provisions of supply to high voltage luminous tube sign installations, high voltage electrode boilers, X-ray and high frequency installations.

The supply of energy should not be commenced by the supplier unless and until the inspector is satisfied and the written approval of the Inspector has been obtained.

IE Rule 74 -93

Overhead lines are covered under the Rules 74 to 93.

The factor of safety for various supports is as under:
1) Metal supports 1.5
2) Mechanically processed concrete supports 2.0
3) Hand-moulded concrete supports 2.5
4) Wood supports 3.0

minimum clearance above ground of the lowest conductors

The minimum clearance above ground of the lowest conductors along and across a street is given in Table.

  VOLTAGE LINES   PLACELow and Medium Voltage LinesHigh Voltage Lines
Across the street5.8 m6.1 m
Along the street5.5 m5.8 m
minimum-clearance-of-high-voltage lines

The clearance above ground of overhead line conductor erected elsewhere other than along or across street is given in Table below.

Low, medium and high voltage lines up to 11kv (Bare)4.6 m
Low, medium and high voltage lines up to 11kV (insulated)4.0 m
High voltage lines above 11 kV5.2 m
Extra high voltage lines5.2 m plus 0.3 m for every 33kV
Clearance above the Ground of Overhead Line Conductors ELSEWHERE other than across or along a Street

minimum clearance from buildings of low and medium voltage lines and service lines

As per Rule 79, the minimum clearance from buildings of low and mediumvoltage lines and service lines is shown in Fig below.

Minimum Vertical and Horizontal Clearance of Low and Medium Voltage Lines and Service Lines from Buildings

Any conductor less than the above clearance should be adequately insulated and should be attached at suitable intervals to bare earthed bearer wire having a breaking strength of not less than 350 kg.

IE Rule 80

As per Rule 80, the clearance of high and extra high voltage lines from buildings is as under:

Vertical clearance:

a. High voltage including 33kV 3.7 m
b. Extra high voltage 3.7 m + 0.3m for every additional 33kV or part thereof.

Horizontal clearance:

a. High voltage up to 11 kV 1.2 m
b. Voltage above 11 kV 2.0 m
c. Extra high voltage lines 2.0 m + 0.3m for every additional 33 kV or part thereof.

IE Rule 87

Rule 87 gives the minimum clearances between lines when crossing each other (Table below).

System Voltage11 โ€“ 66 kV110 โ€“ 132 kV220 kV400 kV800 kV
Low and medium2.443.054.585.497.94
11 โ€“ 66 kV2.443.054.585.497.94
110 โ€“ 132kV3.053.054.585.497.94
220 kV4.584.584.585.497.94
400 kV5.495.495.495.497.94
800 kV7.947.947.947.947.94
Minimum Clearance (in m) between Lines when Crossing Each Other.

As per the table the minimum clearance between any two 11 โ€“ 66 kV lines should be 2.44 m.

Similarly, the minimum clearance between the 11 โ€“ 66 kV lines and 110 โ€“ 132 kV lines should be 3.05 m when these cross each other, and so on.

IE Rule 90

Rule 90 is about earthing and states that all metal supports and metallic fittings should be permanently and efficiently earthed.

Each stay-wire should be efficiently earthed or an insulator provided in it at a height not less than 3.0 m from the ground.

IE Rule 94 – 108

Rules 94 to 108 are about electric traction

IE Rule 109 -132

Rules 109 to 132 give the additional precautions to be adopted in mines and oil fields

IE Rule 133 -143

Rules 133 to 143 cover miscellaneous aspects.

IE Rule 138-141

Rule 138 to 141 give the penalties for broken seal and for breach of other rules.

IE Rule 142

Rule 142 is about the application of rules

IE Rule 143

Rule 143 is about Repeal.

Under this rule The Indian Electricity Rules, 1937 have been repealed: Provided that any order made, notification issued or anything done or any action taken under any of the said rules should be deemed to have been made, issued, done or taken under the corresponding provisions of the rules.

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FAQ’s on IE Rules

What is the IE rule?

The IE Rules is Indian Electricity Rules 1956 was made under section 37 of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and redefined after enactment of The Electricity Act 2003

What is the IE Rule 36?

As per IE Rule 36, Every person who is working on an electric supply line or apparatus or both shall be provided with tools and devices such as gloves, rubber shoes, safety belts,
ladders, earthing devices, helmets, line testers, hand lines and the like for protecting him from mechanical and electrical injury.

What is the IE Rule 46?

As per IE Rule 46, Where an installation is already connected to the supply system of
the supplier, every such installation shall be periodically inspected and tested at intervals not exceeding five years either by the Inspector or any officer appointed
to assist the Inspector or by the supplier as may be directed by the State Government in this behalf or in the case of installations belonging to, or under the control of the Central Government, and in the case of installation in mines, oilfields
and railways by the Central Government.

What is IE Rule 50 supply and use of energy?

IE Rule 50 says The energy shall not be supplied, transformed, converted or used or
continued to be supplied, transformed, converted or used unless provisions given in IE Rule 50

What is rule 90 for earthing?

All metal supports and all reinforced and prestressed cement concrete supports of overhead lines and metallic fittings attached thereto, shall be permanently and efficiently earthed. For this purpose a continuous earth wire shall be provided and securely fastened to each pole and connected with earth ordinarily at three points in every km., the spacing between the points being as nearly equidistance as possible. Alternatively, each support and the metallic fitting attached thereto shall be efficiently earthed. and Each stay-wire shall be similarly earthed unless insulator has been placed
in it at a height not less than 3.0 metres from the ground.

What is IE rule 77?

IE rule 77 explains the Clearance above ground of the lowest conductor

What is IE rule 45?

IE Rule 45 says Precautions to be adopted by consumers ie, owners occupiers], electrical
contractors, electrical workmen and suppliers.

What is the IE rule 71?

IE Rule 71 explains the additional provisions for supply to high voltage luminous tube sign

What is the IE rule 48?

According to IE Rule 48, the insulation resistance of HV installations shall be at least
1 Mega ohm and the insulation resistance of medium and low voltage installations shall be at least 1 Mega ohm

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