[PDF]Latest Syallbus Industries Extension Officer Kerala PSC|30/2024 Syllabus | IEO 2025 Syllabus

Industries Extension Officer Syllabus: IEO 2024 Notification is declared by Kerala PSC. The detailed syllabus of Industrial Extension officer kpsc is given in this post. Category number : 30/2024

Read Also : Industries Extension Officer Kerala PSC Notification – IEO 2024

Industries Extension Officer Syllabus


IEO 2024 (30/2024) Syllabus

  1. Engineering Mathematics (40 Marks)
  2. Engineering Physics (30 Marks)
  3. Engineering Chemistrty (30 Marks)

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The detailed syllabus of Industrial Extension officer is given below.

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2. Acoustics MCQs|Industries Extension officer|IEO 2025


CAT NO: 030/2024, TOTAL : 100 MARKS

Exam Date: 18/02/2025 Tuesday

Confirmation Date : 23/11/2024 To 12/12/2024

No of applicants: 38270

Latest Syallbus Industries Extension Officer


Module I (8 marks)

Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, row echelon form and
rank of a matrix, fundamental theorem for linear systems, eigenvalues and

Module II (12 marks)

Calculus: Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, mean value theorems, increasing and decreasing functions, maxima and minima, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, evaluation of area using definite integral, limit and continuity of functions of two variables, partial derivatives, rate of
change, local linear approximations, chain rule, total derivative, maxima and minima, double and triple integrals, evaluation of area using double integrals

Module III (4 marks)

Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE): First order (linear and nonยญlinear)
equations, second order linear equations with constant coefficients(homogeneous
and nonยญhomogeneous), EulerยญCauchy equations, initial and boundary value

Module IV (12 marks)

Probability and Statistics: Mean, median, mode and standard deviation,
correlation, Karl Pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression, probability,
conditional probability, independent events, Bayeโ€™s theorem, discrete and
continuous random variables, expectation, mean and variance, binomial
distribution, Poisson distribution, exponential distribution, uniform distribution and
normal distribution, discrete and continuous bivariate distributions, marginal
distributions, independent random variables, expectationยญmultiple random variables,
i.i.d random variables and Central limit theorem

Module V (4 marks)

Numerical Methods: Numerical solutions of linear and nonยญlinear algebraic
equations ยญ NewtonยญRaphson method and RegulaยญFalsi method, Interpolationยญfinite
differences, Newtonโ€™s forward and backward difference method, Lagrangeโ€™s method,
Numerical integrationยญTrapezoidal rule and Simpsonโ€™s 1/3rd rule


Module I (10 Marks)

Applied Optics:Lasers and Applications.

Fibre optics โ€“ Step index Fibre, Graded index Fibre, Acceptance angle, Numerical
Aperture, Fibre sensors, Fibre optic Communication.

Photonics ยญ LED and Solar cell
Module II (10 Marks)
Solid state Physics

Semiconductors ยญ Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors, pยญn junction, Energy
band, Biasing of pยญn junctions, IยญV Characteristic of pยญn junction.

Superconductors ยญTransition temperature, Critical field, Type I and Type II
superconductors, Meissner effect, BCS theory, Applications of superconductors.

Module III (10 Marks)

Acoustics :Classification of Acoustic waves based on frequency.

Acoustic Absorption, Reverberation, Reverberation time, Sabine’s formula, and
Acoustics of buildings.

Ultrasonics ยญ Applications ยญ Sonar, NDT, Medical applications.


Module 1: Chemistry of Materials (10 marks)

Nanomaterials: classification based on dimensions and materials, Synthesis by sol
gel method and chemical reduction, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, graphenestructure and applications.
Glass: Composition and properties of Soda lime glass, safety glass, borosilicate glass,
coloured glass, photosensitive glass.

Cements: Classification of cement, ingredients and their role, Manufacture
of cement and the setting process.

Polymers: Industrial manufacture of the following polymers: ABS & Kevlar.
Speciality Polymers ยญ Electroยญluminescent, Biopolymersยญexamples & applications.

Conducting polymers โ€“ doping in conducting polymers, Polyaniline and
polyacetyleneยญsynthesis, structure and applications.

Module 2: Instrumental Methods of Analysis

Thermal Analysis: Principle and applications of Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) &
Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA).
Chromatography: Principle and applications of Column chromatography, Thin Layer
Chromatography, Gas Chromatography and HighยญPerformance Liquid
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Spectroscopy: Principle and Applications of UVยญVIS and Infrared spectroscopy
ยญElectromagnetic radiations, electronic transitionsยญ1,3ยญbutadiene, 1,3,5ยญhexatriene.
Beer Lambertโ€™s Law. Types of molecular vibrations and modes of vibrations in CO2
and H2O. Identification of inter and intra molecular Hydrogen bonding using IR

Module 3: Environment (10 marks)

Air Pollution: Pollutants and their sources, Climate ChangeยญGreen House gases and
Global warming, Ozone depletion.
Water pollution: Effluent treatment plants (primary, secondary and tertiary
treatment). Industrial effluent from the following industries and industrial waste
management: electroplating, textile, and petrochemicals. Water treatment and
purification (reverse osmosis, ion exchange).
Energy and Environment: Sources of energy: Coal, petrol and Natural gas, Nuclear
Fusion / Fission, Solar energy, Hydrogen, geothermal, Tidal and Hydel etc. Nuclear
Pollution: Disposal of nuclear waste, nuclear disaster and its management. Battery:
Working of Liยญion Battery, Hydrogen oxygen Fuel Cell.

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