Overhead and Underground Electrical Distribution System|Overhead Lines Vs Underground Cables

What is an Electrical distribution system?

The electrical system, which distributes electrical energy to the consumers, is known as a distribution system.

The electrical system between the substations and service mains is known as a distribution system.

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There are two types of distribution systems: primary and secondary distributions.

The power, which is received at 33 kV, 66 kV or 110 kV, is stepped down to 11 kV, where the power is distributed along main roads and is called the primary distribution system.

The power is distributed through distribution lines called distributors, which run along the streets of consumers.

The distribution lines, which feed the power from primary distribution to the distributor, are called feeders.

The power is then distributed to the consumers from the distributors using service lines.

Therefore, feeders, along with service lines, make up the secondary distribution system.

Essential Components of Transmission and Distribution Systems

Both transmission and distribution of electrical energy from generating stations to consumers can be done using overhead lines or underground cables.

Components of Overhead Lines

The essential components of overhead lines, which can be used for transmitting or distributing electrical energy are:

  1. Conductors, which are used to carry electrical power from the sending-end to the receiving-end of a particular station.
  2. Support, which is provided using poles or towers, helps in keeping the conductors at a suitable height from the ground.
  3. Insulators, which are used to insulate the conductors from the ground.
  4. Cross-arms are used to provide support to the insulators.
  5. Miscellaneous items like lightning arrestors, phase plates and so on.

Components of Underground Cables

Schematic Diagram of an Underground able

underground cable

The essential components of underground cables are shown in Figure which can be used for transmitting or distributing electrical energy.

The various components of the cables are explained as follows:

  1. Cores or conductors, which are made up of stranded tinned copper or aluminium to provide flexibility to the cable.
  2. Insulation is a layer, which is placed above the conductor, with a suitable thickness that decides the maximum voltage that can be transmitted through the cable.
  3. Metallic sheath is provided in the cable to protect the cable from moisture, gases or other liquids, which could damage the cable.
  4. Bedding, which is made up of fibrous material like jute or hessian tape, is provided over the metallic sheath to prevent it from corrosion and other mechanical injuries.
  5. Armouring, which is made up of galvanized steel wire or steel tape, to protect the cable while it is being laid or handled.
  6. Serving is used for protecting the armouring from atmospheric conditions and is made up of a fibrous material called jute.

Comparison Between Overhead Lines and Underground Cables

Even though the electrical energy can be transmitted or distributed using overhead lines and underground cables, the selection of one over the other is based on the following reasons listed in Table below.

Overhead Lines Vs Underground Cables

ParameterOverhead LinesUnderground Cables
Public safetyMore dangerous to the publicLess hazardous to the public
Initial costLess costlyIt is 10 times the cost of an overhead line
FlexibilityMore flexible and can be modified easilyLess flexible
FaultsChance of fault occurrence is moreLess chance of fault occurrence
AppearanceBad, since the wiring is visibleGood, since the wiring is not visible
Fault location and repairEasier to locate the fault and repair itDifficult to locate the fault and repair it
Useful lifeLessMore
Maintenance costHighVery low
Interference with communication
Faces problems due to interferenceNo interference with the communication circuits
LightningLiable to hazards from lightningNot liable to hazards from lightning
Submarine crossingsCannot be usedCan be used
TransmissionUsed for long-distance transmissionUsed for short-distance transmission

Read more on Power System

  1. Electrical Power System Problems and Solutions
  2. Three Phase System|Advantages of Three Phase System
  3. [MCQ Set 3]Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution MCQ Questions
  4. Electrical power Generation
  5. Wind Energy Power Plants|Wind Power Generation|Wind Mill Working
  6. Transmission tower design|Electrical tower design
  7. Types of Transmission Towers|Electrical Tower Types
  8. Transmission structures|Transmission towers and Transmission Poles|Electric Tower
  9. Parts of a Power transmission line and Transmission tower|Transmission tower parts
  10. Steam power plant Layout|General layout of Steam Power Station
  11. Lightning Arrester|ESE Lightning Arrester & Conventional Iightning Arrester
  12. [MCQ Set 2]Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution MCQ Questions
  13. [MCQ Set 1]Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution MCQ Questions
  14. Electrical power Generation
  15. Steam power plants|Steam power generator Plant|Thermal Power Plants
  16. Comparison of ac and dc transmission
  17. Types of Insulators in Transmission lines
  18. Skin Effect and Proximity Effect
  19. Electrical Distribution System

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