potentiometer Questions and answers
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j, A potentiometer is basically a :
(a) deflectional type instrument
(b)null type instrument
(c)deflectional as well as null type instrument
(d)a digital instrument.
2. When a potentiometer is used for measurement of voltage of an unknown source, the power consumed in the circuit of the unknown source under null conditions
(a) is very high (b) is high
(c) is small (d) is ideally zero.
3. Standardization of potentiometers is done in order that, they become
(c)accurate and direct reading
(d) accurate and precise.
4. A Crompton’s Potentiometer is provided with a dial resistor having 15 steps of 10 Q each and a slide wire of 10 fl resistance The slide wire is divided into 100 divisions and one fifth of a division can be read with certainty. The working current of potentiometer is 10 mA. The range and resolution of the potentiometer are respectively :
(a) 1.6 V, 0.2 mV (b) 1.6 V, 0.5 mV
(c) 1.5 V, 0.1 mV
(d)1.6 V, 0.1 mV.
5. A duo-range Crompton’s potentiometer is provided with a dial resistor having 15 steps of 10 fl each and a slide wire of 10 fl resistance. The ranges are X1 and X 0.1 The current in the potentiometer measuring circuit 10 mA on the XI scale. The slide wire has 100 divisions and one fifth of a scale division can be read with certainty. What is the current drawn from the batter}7 and the resolution of the instrument on X 0.1 scale range ?
(a) 10 mA, 20 pV
(b)11 mA, 10 pV
(c) 11 mA, 2 pV
(d)11 mA, 20 pV.
6. Brooks’ deflectional potentiometer is used when the unknown voltage :
(a)is constant
(b)is varying at a slow rate
(c)is varying very rapidly
(d)all the above.
7. A volt-ratio box is designed with a resistance 100 Q/V- It has input terminals of 300 V, 150 V and 75 V, and an output terminal of 1.5 V which is connected to the potentiometer. Supposing a
voltage of 270 V is connected to the 300 V terminal, what is voltage indicated by the potentiometer and what is the power consumption under null conditions ?
(a) 1.5 V, 3 W (b) 1.35 V, 3 W
(c) 1.5 V, 2.43 W (rf)1.35 V, 2.43 W.
8. The standardization of a.c. potentiometers is done by
(a) directly using a.c. standard voltage sources
(b) using d.c. standard sources and transfer instruments
(c) using d.c. standard sources and d’Arsonval galvanometer
(rf) using a.c. standard sources and transfer instruments.
9. The readings of a polar type a.c. potentiometer when measuring the reactance of a coil are
Z = 12Z13.8ยฐ, V = 27.8Z29.7ยฐ.
The reactance of the coil is :
(a) 2.317 Q (b) 0.634 Q
(c) 2.22 Q (rf) – 2.22 Q.
10. A coordinate type potentiometer is used for determination of impedance of a coil and the
results obtained are : voltage across 1 Q resistor in series with coil, 0.24 V on in phase dial and – 0.09 V on quadrature dial, Voltage across 10 : 1 potential divider used with coil + 0.37 V on in-phase dial and +0.32 on quadrature dial. The resistance of coil is :
(a) 9.14 Q (b) 2.34 Q
(c) 16.76 Q (d) none of the above.

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