Syllabus for the post of Trade Instructor Gr.II (Electroplating) in Technical Education Department
(Cat.No 092/2023)
Trade Instructor Gr.II Electroplating Syllabus
The main topics in the Syllabus of Electroplating Instructor are
- Module 1. Fundamentals of Electricity (10 marks)
- Module 3. Electrolysis (10 marks)
- Module 4. Protection against corrosion (10 marks)
- Module 5. Equipmentโs for electroplating (10 marks)
- Module 6. Preparation of surfaces prior to electroplating (10 marks)
- Module 8. Maintenance of electroplating (10 marks)
- Module 9. Anodizing (10 marks)
- Module 10. Testing of electrodeposits (10 marks)
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Module 1. Fundamentals of Electricity
Types of electric supply, Electrical terms and definitions, Effects of electric current,
DC and AC, Sources of direct current, Conductor, Semi conductor, Insulator,
Resistance and conductance, Series and parallel circuit, Ohmโs law.
Module 2. Fundamentals of Chemistry
Matter, Structure of atom, Proton, Neutron, Electron, molecules, ion, valency,
elements, properties of elements, Atomic number, weight, melting point etc. metals
and alloys, soft water and hard water, Acids and alkalis, pH value, methods of
measuring pH value, Solutions.
Module 3. Electrolysis
Electrolyte, Anode and cathode, Electrochemical Equivalent, Electrolysis, Applications of electrolysis, Faradays laws of electrolysis and its applications, Cells and batteries, Grouping of cells.
Module 4. Protection against corrosion
Corrosion, Types of corrosion, Methods of protection against corrosion, Metallic coating, Methods of metallic coating, Applications of electroplating, Process of electroplating, Safety measures for chemical poisoning, Treatment of effluents.
Module 5. Equipmentโs for electroplating
Electroplating Tanks, Heaters, Filters, Chroffles, Dryers, Jigs, Cleaning and Plating
barrels, Safety equipments, Rectifiers, Bus bars, Degreaser, Buffing machines, PH
meter, Water demineralizer etc.
Module 6. Preparation of surfaces prior to electroplating
Types of mechanical cleaning, Buffing and polishing equipmentโs and materials, Blast
cleaning, Types of chemical cleaning, Pickling, solvent cleaning, dipping, rinsing,
vapour degreasing, electrolytic cleaning, barrel cleaning, ultrasonic cleaning,
masking, drying etc.
Module 7. Electroplating
Types of electroplating, Electroplating process of Copper, Nickel, Chromium, hard
chromium, Zinc, Tin, Cadmium, Silver, Gold and Brass. Methods of removal of metal
coating from its basis metals.
Module 8. Maintenance of electroplating
Common defects generally found in various electroplated metals and their
possible causes and methods of corrections. Maintenance of electroplating solutions.
Module 9. Anodizing
Properties of Aluminium, Aluminium anodizing process, Surface preparation of
aluminium, Types of anodizing process, Colouring of anodized surface, Removal of
defective anodized film.
Module 10. Testing of electrodeposits
Methods of testing electrodeposits, Corrosion, thickness, porosity, adhesion etc.
Trade Instructor Gr.II Electroplating Syllabus
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Notes on Cells & Batteries
- Grouping of Cells|Series, parallel and Mixed Cell combinations
- MCQโs on Cells and Batteries|Cells and batteries Objective Questions
- Cells and batteries
- Basic Electrical Engineering Quiz | Cells and Batteries Quiz
- Cells and batteries
- Primary and secondary cells|Cells and Batteries
- Battery Capacity Tester|Battery Tester
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