Training Instructor Electrician Syllabus Kerala PSC


Kerala PSC is conducting an exam for the post of Training Instructor (Electrician) in May 2020. This will be a common test for the category numbers 102/17, 334/19, 321/19.

Training 2BInstructor 2BElectrican 2BSyllabus

Read Also: Junior Instructor Electrician Previous Question paper

You can find the detailed syllabus below. The PDF download link is given at the last.

 Module I: Fundamentals of Electricity -Training Instructor (Electrician)

Voltage, Current, Resistance, Energy, Power-Definitions and Units, Ohm’s law – Statement, Simple problems related to Ohm’s law, Power and Energy, Resistance in series and Parallel -Simple problems. Kirchhoff’s laws – KCL and KVL.

 Module II Electrostatics and Electromagnetism- Training Instructor (Electrician)

 Laws of Electrostatics, Permittivity, Electric Flux, Flux Density, Potential, Potential Difference – equations and simple problems, Lightning Phenomenon, Potential Gradient, Dielectrical Strength, Capacitors in series and parallel, Energy stored in a Capacitor, Coulomb’s law, Permeability, Magnetic Flux, Flux density, Reluctance, mmf, Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic Induction, Lenz’s Law. Self Inductance, Mutual Inductance, Energy stored in an inductor, Fleming’s Laws 

Module III Fundamentals of AC Systems -Training Instructor (Electrician)

Generation of ac voltage, Equation of voltage, Basic terms – amplitude, frequency, cycle, time period, average value, instantaneous value, rms value, form factor, peak factor – equations and related simple problems, ac through resistance, inductance and capacitance, star and delta connections in 3 phase ac systems – line and phase relationship in star and delta systems.

Module IV Measurements and measuring instruments

Various types of electrical measuring instruments – Voltmeter, Ammeter, Energy Meter, Wattmeter, Single phase and Three phase power measurement, measurement of resistance, Inductance and Capacitance, Power factor meter, Synchroscope, TOD meter, CRO, Insulation megger and earth megger, multimeter, CT and PT. 

Module V Safety, First Aid, Batteries and Solar Cell-Training Instructor (Electrician)

 Basic safety requirements, electric shock-requirement for avoiding shock, first aid, installation, care and maintenance of batteries and solar cells, determination of total number of cells required for a given power requirements. Module VI Wiring Accessories Various wiring systems Wires-single strand and multistrand, current ratings. Fuses-cartridge and HRC. Switches – SPST, SPDT, TPTT, ICDP, ICTP, Toggle switch, Limit switch, safety devices- MCB, ELCB, RCCB, electrical illumination, Earthing – Pipe and Plate earthing. 

Module VII – DC Machines-Training Instructor (Electrician)

 DC generator – construction, working, classification, emf equation, wave and lap windings, characteristics, simple problems DC motor – construction, working, types, emf equation, torque-simple problems, various starters, speed control, testing, MG set. 

Module VIII AC Machines -Training Instructor (Electrician)

 Transformer-construction, principle, types, emf equation, transformation ratio, losses and efficiency, all day efficiency-simple problems Three phase induction motor-principle, construction, types, slip, torque, losses, efficiency, power stages, speed control, three phase motor starters Alternators-construction, principle, emf equation, losses and efficiency, Three phase synchronous motor. Single phase and FHP motors-single phase induction motor, universal motor, ac series motor, servomotor, stepper motor, split phase motor 

Module IX- Digital Electronics -Training Instructor (Electrician)

Number systems, logic gates-AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, De-morgan’s theorems, half adder, full adder, flip-flops, shift registers, counters, ADC, DAC, soldering Techniques 

Module X Power Electronics – Training Instructor (Electrician)

Half wave and full wave rectifiers with and without filters, UJT relaxations oscillator, FET, JFET, Triac, Diac, IGBT, SCR, operation and maintenance of inverter, regulated dc power supply, battery charger, UPS. 

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Read Also: Junior Instructor Electrician Previous Question paper

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