VRLA Battery Storage| Storage of VRLA Batteries

VRLA Battery Storage: Hope you already read the detailed post on VRLA Battery. VRLA batteries are based on “Starved electrolyte design and Oxygen recombination principle.” In this post, you will learn how to properly do the storage of VRLA Batteries.

Storage of VRLA Batteries

  • Batteries should be stored in a cool and dry location, protected from direct sunlight and rain.
  • Do not stack the packing boxes one on top of the other.
  • As far as possible store the battery at temperatures of 25°C to 32°C.

Read Also: VRLA Battery|Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery

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Effect of temperature on VRLA batteries

The lead acid batteries (both conventional as well as VRLA) are normally designed to give the full rated capacity and the expected life at the operating temperature of 27°C.

When the operating temperature is higher than 27°C, the corrosion rate at the positive grid increases.

This is due to Arrhenius principle, which states that, the rate of chemical reaction doubles for every 10°C rise in the ambient temperature.

The effect of increased temperature is more pronounced on VRLA batteries as less volume of electrolyte is available and also because there is no addition of electrolyte during the use of the battery.

It is said that for every 10°C rise, the reduction in life of VRLA batteries is up to 50%.

Effect on capacity when stored for long duration A fully charged battery losses certain capacity when stored.

This process of capacity loss is called as “self discharge”.

The capacity loss for VRLA batteries is around 1% per week.

Factors effected by VRLA Self discharge

The various parameters that effect the self- discharge include.

  • Alloys used for positive and negative grids.
  • Purity of raw materials used in the manufacturing process for grids.
  • Processing techniques employed in manufacturing of grids.
  • Also storage conditions of batteries at the site.

Storage intervalof VRLA Batteries

♦ Batteries in storage lose capacity, due to its self-discharge. The rate of self-discharge increases with temperature. The loss in capacity becomes permanent due to sulphation of battery.
♦ Batteries may be stored for a period up to six months before installation. (i.e.
from the date of shipment and the date of installation).
♦ In case the batteries are to be stored for longer duration, then the batteries must
be unpacked at the intervals of six months and they must be given charged a

Storage interval at the various temperatures

The storage interval at the various elevated temperatures before which the
battery is due for freshening charge is shown in the table below.

Sl.NoTemperatureStorage interval
132°C6.0 Months
237°C4.5 Months
342°C3.0 Months
447°C2.25 Months
552°C1.5 Month


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VRLA Battery Storage FAQ’s

How do you store VRLA batteries?

1.Batteries should be stored in a cool and dry location, protected from direct sunlight and rain.
2. Do not stack the packing boxes one on top of the other.
3. As far as possible store the battery at temperatures of 25°C to 32°C

What temperature should a VRLA battery be stored at?

VRLA battery temperature be at a temperature not to exceed 25° C (77° F) . Battery temperature increase will reduce total battery life.

Do VRLA batteries need ventilation?

No, VRLA Batteries dont need ventillation

What is the useful life of a VRLA battery?

The useful life of a VRLA battery is 3 to 5 years

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